Find Cover for Absence requests

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Note: You may need to contact your account manager for an additional license to use this feature.


Find cover allows a Supervisor to find cover for a shift to ensure that there is the required amount of staff in a given shift. This functionality has now been extended to finding cover from a request such as a request for an Absence. With this functionality enabled, requests will appear as normal in the Requests list, but with an extra action labelled Find cover:

Finding Cover from an Absence request

Before the Find cover button is shown, T&A will check a request against several factors to decide if the Find cover action is required for each item. The checks include:

  • Whether or not the Employee has an appropriate license
  • The requested absence is for a single day only
  • The requested absence covers a single shift only
  • The Supervisor is not read-only and can access the employee
  • Extended select is turned off
  • The request is not a request to delete an absence

If the Supervisor clicks the Find cover button, then T&A will run several more checks:

  • The absence is not a lieu absence
  • It does not overlap with a locked work record period
  • It does not have work records in range
  • It is within the configured Minimum notice period
  • It does not violate the configured leave slots
  • It does not overlap with an existing absence
  • It does not overlap with an existing request
  • It will not exceed the Employee's Entitlements.


If an error occurs, then T&A will add an Error message column to the Requests list table and add a symbol into that column to signify which request is relevant to the error. A red notification will appear at the top of the screen detailing the problem:

Absence warnings

Absence warnings are included in the Find cover feature. Several warnings can occur, and each will be displayed individually. Clicking Continue or Cancel on them will display the next warning until there are no more warnings to display. The warnings are as follows:

Minimum notice period – if an absence has been requested too close to the actual period of absence. This grace period can be changed in the System preferences.

Leave slots – a Supervisor can restrict the maximum number of staff within a group that can be absent on a given time period.

General absence overlap – this will be displayed when an absence overlaps with a pre-planned company absence day, like a Bank holiday.

Entitlements exceeded – if the absence would cause an Employee to overlap their absence allowance.

Absence Find cover page

The Absence find cover page allows a Supervisor to select an employee to cover the absence. This is done by selecting the checkbox next to the desired employee’s name. You are also able to copy over any jobs that are applied to the shift by ticking the Copy jobs checkbox (by default this is ticked).

Should a Supervisor change the selected shift, then T&A will display a warning message to notify you that the jobs have not been copied from the original shift:

The Supervisor can then finalise their decision by clicking the Submit & Approve Absence button. If no Employee has been selected to cover the absence, a dialogue box will show confirming that no cover will be provided.

Upon successfully completing the Find cover process, the Supervisor will be returned to the Group Requests List page and a confirmation message will be displayed:

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