Leave Slots

Leave Slots can be allocated to allow only a certain number of employees to take leave from any group or department on a given day. This is set up in WinTMS

While Staffing rules are a management tool that can be set up to answer questions such as, "Show me days when I will potentially have no First-Aider on site", Leave Slots are more of an indication to the employee that an absence request could be reasonably accommodated.


To enable the use of Leave Slots for employee absence requests you first need to open the System menu, then click Maintain System Preferences. Then, click the Absence booking tab:

Tick the Use Leave Slots checkbox and select the Group Types as Department if you wish to allocate them per department. Leave Slots will generally be applied to Holiday codes. You can also set a default value for days when no Leave Slots have been manually allocated.You can also toggle the Allow users to exceed Leave Slots to allow employees to apply for Absences even if the slots are filled. You can also specify if employees can see the number of available Leave slots when trying to book Absences.


The first thing to do before setting the number of Leave slots is to ensure that the Employee and Group selection are synchronised correctly. Do this using the Selection Options on the main WinTMS screen.

Ensure that Synchronise group to employee is ticked and that the Group is Department. If you chose a different Group type when setting up Leave slots, use that Group instead.

Group Absence Profile

To allocate Leave Slots, go to the Group Absence ProfileLeave slots must be allocated in the future and the Show Leave Slots checkbox must be ticked. Click and drag on a selection of days to bring up a pop-up where you can add Leave Slots. Below is an example where many Leave Slots have been set up. You can edit the Leave Slots value box to edit how many Leave slots are available:

Click OK to save your changes.

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