
Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Licensing page is only available to Supervisors with Licensing enabled in their T&A user profile.

The Licensing page in T&A 8 allows you to view information about your existing licence and information about the licences for specific features. In addition to this, a number of options are available for managing and maintaining licences for you and your Employees.

Note: when using T&A for the first time without a licence or your existing licence has expired, you will get a temporary Supervisor licence for the Licensing.

To access Licensing in T&A, select Licensing from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

The Licensing page will open:

The top half of the main page is information about your existing licence:

  • Allowed version pattern — the version number of T&A that the licence is valid for

  • Company name — your company's name that the licence has been issued to

  • Customer number — your unique number that T&A has assigned for reference

  • Date generated — the date the licence was generated

  • Expiry date — the licence will become invalid at the end of this date

  • Expiry warning period days — how many days before your licence expires for you to receive a daily warning message. The warning will be displayed on your Dashboard with a message including the details of the date range your licence is valid for. Note: the default period is 30 days, but a different duration can be requested when you contact T&A to request a licence.

  • Generation method — what method was used to generate your licence:
    • Temporary — automatically generated by T&A to access the Licensing page if no valid licence is activated
    • Manual — generated by T&A

  • Installation ID — a unique ID that T&A uses to generate your licence

  • Release Mode — a licence has two types of release modes to highlight what version patterns they will be valid for:
    • General — this licence will cover the stated version pattern and any other minor versions or patch numbers i.e. a licence for v8.05 will work with T&A version numbers such as v8.05.1, v8.05.2 etc
    • Controlled — this licence will only be valid on the stated version pattern i.e. a licence for v8.01.1.0000 will only work on a T&A system with that version number

  • Request reference — a unique value assigned to your request

  • Start date — the date the licence becomes valid

The bottom half of the main page accommodates information about the duration of the licences, how many licences are available and how many have been used for each feature you have a licence for.

There are 6 options available in the left-hand pane:

  • Email licence request — opens a new page with your unique installation information and an option to generate an email to request a licence.

  • Upload licence — opens a new page to upload a new licence and activate it.

  • Download licence — downloads your existing licence as a '.lic' format. Depending on your browser settings, it will automatically download or you can save it to a location

  • Remove licence — removes your existing licence. When selected, it opens a pop up window with the following warning message:

Click Cancel to abort the removal or click  Remove  to discard your existing licence. Your existing licence will be removed and you will be directed back to the Licensing page where a temporary licence is issued to you. The following warning messages are displayed at the top of the page:

  • Feature map — opens a new page with a list of all the T&A 8 Features, what scope they are and what licences are needed to access them. For example:

In the above example, Absence profile requires a Web licence along with either a HR licence or a T&A licence

  • Employee licensing — manage and maintain the licences for your Employees.

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Version Number Mismatch

Request a Licence
