Client Install instructions


This document explains how to setup TMS/HR Manager on a new PC.   It is assumed that TMS/HR Manager is working on other PC(s).

Please note that in order to set up a TMS client machine you will need to log into Windows as an ‘Administrator’.

From a Working PC:

1.       Go to ‘Help > About’, click on the ‘Setup info’ button, and then the Program directory hyperlink:

 2. From the folder that opens, open LOCALCFG.EXE

3.       If asked, choose TMS as the Package, and press OK.

4.       Make a note of the paths or print a screenshot of the screen which appears.  Then click Cancel to close.

On the New PC:

5.       Go to the start menu and type in the path as per the 'Program path' in the screenshot you have just done.  Click OK.

6.       From the resulting folder, open LOCALCFG, choose TMS and fill in the details as per the working PC.  Tick "Register controls" and click "Create dir's". Click OK to close LOCALCFG. Windows 10 has an extra layer of security, please see below for details.

7.       From the same folder, right-click on the WINTMS.EXE file and click ‘Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)’.

8.       This will create a link to TMS on the desktop which you should be able to run – and launch TMS.

 Common issues

I don't have access to write the required files

You will need to speak to your local IT department, they will be able to either give you access or perform the above steps on your behalf.

Windows 10 VirtualStore

Windows 10 has an extra layer of security that can block LOCALCFG from writing certain required files. If you find that LOCALCFG does not retain any changes, or that WinTMS does not look at the correct data folder, it is likely because of this security. Windows 7 rarely has this issue as well.The easiest way to fix this is to run LOCALCFG as an administrator by right clicking and clicking "Run as administrator". Alternatively, you can copy any tms.ini and mfforms.ini files from the VirtualStore folder (found at %localappdata%\VirtualStore ) to their corresponding locations outside the VirtualStore.You may need to ask your local IT department to assist.

Do I need to register controls?

No. They are only used if you plan to use the "Grid output" option of reports.

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