Invalid Credentials

Karishma Updated by Karishma

There are several reasons that you may see an Invalid Credentials error message. The main reasons are outlined below.

Incorrect password:Please check that the password being entered is correct. T&A passwords are case sensitive, so please ensure the password is typed exactly as it was originally entered. Please also check Caps Lock and Num Lock are turned off.

Employee does not have a web licence: Employees require a Web licence to be able to log into T&A Web. You can check if an employee has the correct licence in both Win T&A and T&A Web.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Win T&A:

  • Launch Win T&A
  • Select the Employee in question.
  • Click Employee detail.
  • Click Licence options.
  • Ensure Web is ticked.

T&A Web:

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  • Log into T&A Web as a supervisor.
  • Select the Employee in question.
  • Click Employee licencing.
  • Ensure Web is ticked.

Change password disallowed:If an employee is given a temporary password, then they will need to change their password when they next log in. If they do not have access to change their own password, they will see an Invalid credentials error message. You can check if an employee has access to change their own password in Win T&A. Similarly, a supervisor may not have access to change their own password.

Enable Change Password for employees:

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  • Log into Win T&A
  • Go to System->Employee profiles
  • Double click the profile the employee uses
  • Click Menu rights
  • Expand Web module->Employee
  • Check that Change Password is ticked

Enable Change Password for supervisors:

  • Log into Win T&A
  • Go to System->Maintain Users->Profiles
  • Double click the profile the supervisor users
  • Click Menu rights
  • Expand T&A -> Other
  • Check that Change Password is ticked

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