Selection options

Karishma Updated by Karishma

You can change the way Employees and Groups are displayed for selection in the drop-down lists at the top of the Supervisor Dashboard, and also which Employees are available to you for use with Employee and Group functions. See Supervisor dashboard for more details.

From the Dashboard, click on Selection options from the other menu in the drop-down Header pane. The Selection Options page opens:

A number of fields and check boxes are available to select what Preferences will be set to alter the Employee selection.

Selected employee statuses

This Preference allows you to define the categories of people you wish to include in the Employee drop-down list on the Dashboard to use with the Employee and Group functions:

Use the selection box to select what Employees to include with the following statuses: current employee, future starter, leaver and non employee (i.e. a visitor or temporary worker).

Employee synchronise

This drop-down list allows you to select from three preferences:

  • None — No Employee synchronisation
  • Only show employees in group — This Preference allows you to restrict the Employees available for selection to a particular group. Only Employees from the selected Group in the Group drop-down list will appear in the Employee drop-down list at the top of the Supervisor Dashboard and be available to view in Group functions.
  • Synchronise group to selected employee — This Preference allows you to synchronise the selected Group field to the selected Employee. When you select an Employee from the Employee drop-down list, at the top of the Supervisor Dashboard, the relevant value for that Employee will be displayed in the Group drop-down list.

Employee sort field

This Preference allows you to define how Employees are sorted in the Employee drop-down list at the top of the Supervisor Dashboard and in Group functions:

Select a value from the drop down list of sort fields. In the example 'Personnel ref' has been selected.

The available sort fields are selected in the PreferenceList of possible employee sort fields.

Group sort field

This Preference allows you to define how the items in the Group drop-down list at the top of the Supervisor Dashboard are sorted:

For example, selecting 'Department' results in 'Departments' being displayed in alphabetical order in the Group drop-down list. Selecting 'None' leaves the list unsorted.

Group field

This Preference allows you to change the group of items available for selection from the Group drop-down list on the Dashboard:

In the example, the Group type currently selected is 'Department'. This means that Employees are grouped by department and individual departments can be selected from the Group drop-down list on the Dashboard. The other available Group types are displayed in the drop-down list.

Append group sort field to employee display name

This Preference allows you to append the relevant value of the Group sort field to the Employees display name in the Employee drop-down list at the top of the Supervisor Dashboard.

In the example above, the check-box has been selected. This means that the Employee drop-down list, at the top of the Supervisor Dashboard, also includes the appropriate value of the Group sort field.

Synchronise group lookup to group sort field

This Preference allows you to synchronise the Group field to the selected Group sort field.

If the check-box is selected, the Group field drop-down list will be removed. For example:

This means that the Employee drop-down list will be defined and sorted according to the selected Group sort field.

Show empty groups

This Preference enables the Group drop-down list to include any items that currently have no Employees assigned to them. When the check-box is selected, all empty groups will be included and displayed in the Group drop-down list.

Use extended selection

This Preference allows you to customise the selection of Employees to use with a Group function. If the check-box is selected, the Group drop-down list will change into an extended Group drop-down list in the Supervisor Dashboard:

When clicked you will be taken to the Employee selection page to customise the selection of Employees to use for the Group functions.

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Selecting Employees

Employee and Group functions as a Supervisor
