

Karishma Updated by Karishma


The Diary feature is only available to Supervisors with a Web and Diary licence and have Diary enabled in their T&A User profile.

The Diary page allows a Supervisor to view, modify and add diary entries for managers they have diary access to. If a Supervisor has permission, they can select what managers a User profile has diary access to in Win T&A by going to System > Maintain users > Users > Select a User profile > Modify > Diary access.

To open the Diary page, select Diary in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Supervisor dashboard. A page similar to the following is opened if a Supervisor has diary access to more than one manager:

Select a manager from the drop-down list and click Apply to access their Diary.

Note: if a Supervisor has a manager already selected in their Employee selection or they only have access to one manager's Diary, the Diary page will open directly to the manager.

The following example is the Diary page for manager '000001: Andrew Overton' with a list of diary entries:

The Diary feature is a reminder system, which can be set up to display messages at relevant times. Your system administrator may have set up diary definitions, which generate diary entries automatically. These will remind managers when an Employee is due an appraisal, long service award, pay rise or other appropriate events. Any other diary entries can be entered manually using Add reminder in the left-hand pane, and will function in the same way.

The list contains one diary entry per row, with information about the Start date and Start to End time of the entry, further details of the entry as a Note, the Entry type (manual or automatic), whether they will receive an Email reminder and the Status of the entry (pending or complete).

Clicking on the information in the Start date or Notes column will open the Modify diary entry page where a Supervisor can Delete the selected entry or modify the details and save the changes. An entry can also be deleted from the main Dairy page by selecting the relevant diary entry check-boxes and selecting Delete selected from the left-hand pane or by clicking  Delete  in the Action column for each diary entry.

When a diary entry row is highlighted yellow, it means the diary entry is overdue (the Start date and Times have passed), and is still waiting for action from the Supervisor or manager to delete the diary entry or mark it as complete. If a Supervisor has the preference 'Diary reminders active' enabled, a warning message will appear at the top of the page if any overdue entries exist in the date range.

A diary entry will be highlighted green with the Status marked as 'Complete' when a Supervisor or manager marks it as complete. Once a diary entry is marked as complete, the Supervisor or manager will no longer be reminded by email or when the entry is overdue. An entry can be marked as complete by selecting the relevant diary entry check-boxes and selecting Mark selected as complete from the left-hand pane or by clicking  Complete  in the Action column for each diary entry.

If a Supervisor has diary access to multiple managers, the action 'Select a manager' is available in the left-hand pane. Clicking 'Select a manager' opens a pop-up that allows you to choose a manager from a drop-down list to view their Diary. For example:

Click  Apply  to open the Diary for the selected manager.

Note: a warning message stating 'There are no managers set up in the system to use this feature' will appear at the top of the page when a Supervisor opens the Diary feature and has no diary access to any manager. For example.


In the left-hand pane are filter options to display or hide different diary entries:

  • Show completed items — selecting this filter will display diary entries that have a Status of 'Complete'

  • Show overdue items — selecting this filter will display diary entries that have passed the Start date and End Time and are now overdue

  • Show future items — selecting this filter will display diary entries that have been added after the current date

Click  Apply  to update the page and apply the selected filters to the list.

Add Diary entry

Supervisor can add a diary entry to the selected managers Diary page.

On the Diary page of a manager, click Add reminder in the left-hand pane. The Add diary entry page will open:

Use the fields to enter a Start date and Start and End time of the diary entry and add a Note to describe in further details what the diary entry is about, for example 'Pay review for B Smith'. Select the Email reminder box to send an email to notify the manager about the upcoming diary event. The amount of days before a diary entry when an Email reminder is sent, is set in Email dairy reminders in advance (days) in System preferences > HR.

Note: when adding a diary entry using Add reminder, the Type will always be manual.

Click Submit in the left-hand pane to save the changes and return to the Diary page with the updated list.

Modify Diary entry

Supervisor can delete and edit a diary entry using this page.

Click on the information of a diary entry under the Start date or Note column to open the Modify diary entry page for that entry. For example:

Supervisor can modify the fields for Start date and Start and End time of the diary entry. The Note can also be changed and the Status of the diary entry can be changed using the drop-down box to Pending or Complete. The Email reminder can be enabled or disabled using the check-box on this page.

Once the changes have been made to the diary entry, click Submit in the left-hand pane to save the changes and return to the updated Diary page.

To delete the diary entry, click Delete in the left-hand pane. Once deleted, the diary entry is removed from the system and you will return to the updated Diary page.

Alternatively, click Close in the left-hand pane to abort any changes made and return to the Diary page.

Delete before due date

On the Diary page, an action to 'Delete before date' is available in the left-hand pane. This action allows a Supervisor to delete all diary entries for the selected manager before a specified date.

Clicking the action 'Delete before date' opens the following pop-up:

Input a date into the field and click  Delete . Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the process and return to the Diary page.

Once deleted, you'll return to the updated Diary page with all the diary entries before the specified date removed from the system.

Show all overdue items

On the Diary page, an action to 'Show all overdue items' is available in the left-hand pane. This action allows a Supervisor to open a new page that lists all overdue diary entries for the selected manager.

Clicking the action 'Show all overdue items' opens the Overdue items page:

The Overdue items page is similar to the Diary page but the list contains all diary entries that are overdue. A Supervisor can maintain their overdue items on this page by either deleting them, marking them as complete or modifying the diary entries.

Click View diary in the left-hand pane to return to the Diary page.

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Diary preferences
