

Karishma Updated by Karishma


Timesheet displays a simple view of Absence and Worked hours using the same data as the Clock card. Timesheets allows a Supervisor to modify the selected Employees Work records retrospectively on a week-based grid. Timesheets also provide a simplified way to create Work records and entries in the selected Employees Clock card.

There are two types of Timesheets:

  • Timesheet bands — view, add and modify the selected Employees Hour bands
  • Timesheet hours — view and modify the selected Employees hours

A number of quick link buttons are available in the top-right corner of the pages to open the colour key and to navigate and select dates.

Timesheet bands

The Timesheet bands feature displays the Absence and Worked hour codes of the selected Employee in a simplistic grid based view with the option to add, remove and modify their Hours bands.

The Timesheet bands feature can be accessed from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Supervisor Dashboard.

The Absence hours and Worked hours for the Employee selected in the Supervisor toolbar will be displayed for the current week in a grid format. For example:

Note: if you have access, Timesheet preferences can be set to select what Hours codes to display within the Timesheet and also a Preference to hide any zero values on the Timesheet.

The Timesheet bands grid is divided into columns representing the Work record of each day of the week. A drop-down list of additional actions are available when the day is clicked:

  • View note — any extra information added to the day can be viewed, modified and deleted on this page. If no notes have been made for the day, an option to create a new note will be available in the left-hand pane
  • Insert shift — to create a new Work record containing a selected Shift. A drop-down list of possible Shifts opens. This is only possible when there is no Rostered Shift for the Employee. It is possible to have more than one Shift in a day but they cannot overlap. An error is displayed if the Shift cannot be inserted

Note: if the preference Allow future draft work records (days) is set in System preferences > Timesheet then the Insert shift action will be available on un-processed days for the amount of days specified in the preference

The Totals column is found on the far right of the grid and contains the total hours of each row. The rows contain the following:

  • Shift — the name of the Shift(s) the Employee is working on that day. You are able to access additional actions from a drop-down list by clicking on the Shift name:
    • Modify — this action opens the Modify hours bands page, where you can view, add and modify the Hour bands of the Shift
    • Recalculate — this action causes T&A to re-calculate the Worked and Absence hours based on the core hours of the Shift the Employee worked. The Timesheet refreshes to show the updated details and a success message will appear at the top of the page

  • Status — there are three types of status:
    • Request  — displays in the status bar when a Request has been generated and needs authorisation from another Supervisor. Clicking on it opens the Request page with further details about the Request
      Note: if you have permission, the Shift drop-down menu will have additional options when the Work record has a Request. For example:

  • View request — opens the Request details page to view the Request.
  • Accept request — clicking this option will accept the Request and re-load the page with a success message at the top and all the information updated
  • Decline request — clicking this option will decline the Request and re-load the page with a success message at the top of the page
    • Anomalies  — displays in the status row when there are anomalies within the Work record. Clicking on it opens your Work record page where you can view your Work record and modify it.
    • Locked  — displays in the status when the Work record has been locked and can no longer be edited. Note: a Supervisor with permission can still edit a Work record or can have access to an Unlock button in the Work record.
  • Absence hours and Worked hour — each row has a different Hours code with the amount of time in hours and minutes displayed under the columns. From the above example, on Wednesday, Early leaving is an Absence hour code and has a duration of 15 minutes. Note: Hovering over the Hours codes brings up a tool tip highlighting if they are an Absence code or a Worked code

  • Worked total — the total of all the Worked hours for a column

  • Absence total — the total of all the Absence hours for a column

  • Totals — contains the total hours for each column

Note: the Hour codes highlighted in dark grey are non-mandatory working days.

Note: if you have access, Timesheet preferences can be set to select what Hours codes to display within the Timesheet and also a Preference to hide any zero values on the Timesheet.

Modify bands

To modify existing Hours bands in a Work record, click on the Shift name on the day you wish to modify and select 'Modify' from the drop-down list of actions. The Modify hours bands page will open showing the existing Hour bands for that Shift. For example:

The date and Shift name appear at the top of the page next to the title. The Hours bands are separated into rows with the Hours code, Start time, End time and the Total of the Hours bands in columns.

Hours bands can be modified by using a drop-down list to pick an Hours code and inputting the Start and End time by typing or using the clock icon to select a time.

Add an Hours band by clicking on the Add button at the bottom left of the grid. This will add an extra Hours band row with empty boxes to input the Hours code, Start and End time.

Clicking the Remove button will remove the Hours band from the grid.

When you have finished, click Submit in the left hand pane  to save your modified Hour bands and return to the Timesheet hours bands page. The new hours are added to the relevant day and a success message will appear at the top of the page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to discard the modified Hour bands and return to the Timesheet hours bands page.

TAS categories

TAS is the T&A Time Allocation System for recording details of the jobs or tasks you perform. If a Preference has been set to show TAS categories within the Modify hours bands page, they will be displayed between the Hours code and Start/End times. In the below example, TAS categories for Department and Location are available and can be modified by using a drop-down list:

Note: TAS categories can be included within the Modify Hour bands page by selecting TAS in Timesheet Mode in the System preference page for Timesheet.

Timesheet hours

The Timesheet hours feature displays the Absence and Worked hour codes for the selected Employee in a simplistic grid based view with the option to modify their number of Hours.

If you have permission, you can access the Timesheet hours feature from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Supervisor dashboard.

The Absence hours and Worked hours for the Employee selected in the Supervisor toolbar will be displayed for the current week in a grid format. For example:

Note: if you have access, Timesheet preferences can be set to select what Hours codes to display within the Timesheet and also a Preference to hide any zero values on the Timesheet.

The Timesheet hours grid is divided into vertical sections representing the Work record of each day of the week. A drop-down list of additional actions are available when the day is clicked:

  • View note — any extra information added to the day can be viewed, modified and deleted on this page. If no notes have been made for the day, an option to create a new note will be available in the left-hand pane

  • Insert shift — to create a new Work record containing a selected Shift. A drop-down list of possible Shifts opens. This is only possible when there is no Rostered Shift for the Employee. It is possible to have more than one Shift in a day but they cannot overlap. An error is displayed if the Shift cannot be inserted

Note: the Hour codes are defined by your system administrator and may be different from those displayed here.

The Totals column is found on the far right of the grid and contains the total hours of each row. The rows contain the following:

  • View — opens the Work record page for the selected Employee, where you can view the Work record and modify it.
  • Recalculate — this action causes T&A to re-calculate the Worked and Absence hours based on the core hours of the Shift the Employee worked. The Timesheet refreshes to show the updated details and a success message will appear at the top of the page
  • Change shift — opens the shift selection window and allows you to select a different shift from the drop-down menu
  • Delete work record — deletes the work record for the selected day
  • Status — there are three types of status:
    • Request   — displays in the status bar when a Request has been generated and needs authorisation from another Supervisor. Clicking on it opens the Request page with further details about the Request
    • Note: if you have permission, the Shift drop-down menu will have additional options when the Work record has a Request. For example:

View request — opens the Request details page to view the Request.

Accept request — clicking this option will accept the Request and re-load the page with a success message at the top and all the information updated

Decline request — clicking this option will decline the Request and re-load the page with a success message at the top of the page

  •  Anomalies  — displays in the status row when there are anomalies within the Work record. Clicking on it opens your Work record page where you can view your Work record and modify it.

  •  Locked  — displays in the status when the Work record has been locked and can no longer be edited. Note: a Supervisor with permission can still edit a Work record or can have access to an Unlock button in the Work record.

  • Absence hours and Worked hour — each row has a different Hours code with the amount of time in hours and minutes displayed under the columns. From the above example, on Thursday, Lateness is an Absence hour code and has a duration of 1 Hour and 10 minutes. Note: Hovering over the Hours codes brings up a tool tip highlighting if they are an Absence code or a Worked code

  • Worked total — the total of all the Worked hours for a column

  • Absence total — the total of all the Absence hours for a column

  • Totals — contains the total hours for each column

Note: the hours highlighted in dark grey are non-mandatory working days.

Note: the Hour codes are defined by your system administrator and may be different from those displayed here.

An action is available in the left-hand pane to 'Enter hours', this is used to modify, delete or add new hours to the grid.

Modify number of hours

On the Timesheet number of hours page, to modify existing hours in a Work record, click Enter hours in the left-hand pane on the week you wish to modify:

The hours for days that contained Shifts will then become editable fields. For example:

Clicking on the hour you wish to edit, you can input the duration of time by using the clock icon to select the amount of time or by typing in the duration manually. Changes you make to the hour fields will automatically update the Total fields.

When you have finished, click  Submit  in the left-hand pane to save your modified hours and refresh the Timesheet number of hours page. The new hours are added to the relevant days and a success message will appear at the top of the page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to discard the modified hours and return to the Timesheet number of hours page.

Add worked hours and Add absence hours

In modify mode, additional actions are available in the left-hand pane to add hours to multiple Shifts on the displayed week. For example:

Clicking on the actions will open up the appropriate pop-up to enter information to add Worked hours or Absence hours across multiple shifts. Below is an example of the Add worked hours pop-up:

The Shifts field is a drop-down list that contains all the shifts of each day currently on display on the Timesheet. The Hours codes field allows you to select the Worked hours code to use for the entered hours. The Hour field allows you to input the amount of hours you want to add to the selected Shift(s).

Click  Submit  to return to the updated Timesheet hours page with the editable fields containing the newly added hours. The hours will only be saved once Submit is clicked in the left-hand pane.

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