
Modify message

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Modify message page allows you to edit the details and options of a Scheduled message you have already created. Additional options are available in the left-hand pane to save a copy of the message, delete a message and send the message now:

Save as copy

Clicking this option will create a copy of the Scheduled message you are currently modifying. Once clicked, you will be taken back to the Scheduled messages page, with a success message notifying the message was copied. The copied message will appear in the list with 'Copy of' appended to the subject. Below is an example of my 'Holiday entitlement' message being successfully copied:

Delete message

To delete a message, first navigate to the Scheduled messages page, locate the relevant message and click on the subject to open the Modify message page. Click Delete message in the left-hand pane to open a pop-up. For example:

Click  Delete  to permanently delete the message and return to the updated Scheduled messages page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the deletion and return to the Scheduled messages page.

Send now

Before submitting, you can click Send now in the left-hand pane to open a new page to send your message instantly. For example:

Select from the drop-down list where to send the message to. You can either choose to send the message to the current user who is logged in or to the recipients you have entered in the recipients detail section on the Modify message page.

Click Submit to send the message. Once sent, the selected recipient(s) will receive the message and you will return to the Modify message page with the fields still pre-populated with any information you have entered.

Note: a Scheduled message will not be created or any changes made to the message will not be saved until you click Submit on the Modify message page. Also, the message will not appear as 'Sent' in Group messages, as it is a one-off message to be sent straight away with the details entered.

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