Calendars Employee rules

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Employee rules are defined as Individual rules in Win T&A > System > Maintain staffing rules and can be displayed on Calendars with the Employee rule data type.

Within Maintain staffing rules, a Supervisor with permissions can create an Individual rule, the colour code for when the rule is violated, the calculation for the rule criteria and the Employee selection of who the rule will apply to.

Each individual rule has a criteria that once violated, will highlight the days the Employee has broken the rule on the Calendar. Clicking on the highlighted day will bring up further details of the Employee rule in the right-hand details pane. Below is an example of an Employee violating an Employee rule with the details in the right-hand pane:

Note: to display Employee rules on a Calendar,  the preference 'Employee rules active' needs to be enabled in Web T&A 8 in System preference > Planner.

In the above example, '11302: Daisy Brennon' has violated a rule by having a planned shift on a day she is unable to work. The Employee rule criteria has been set up to include Daisy in the selection, and a calculation to determine if the day of the week is a Friday and if a planned Shift is present. This rule will be beneficial in a scenario where a Roster is copied to a wide range of Employees and the Supervisor needs to be warned that one of the Employees is unable to work a certain day of that copied Roster.

If the preference 'Warn on exit if individual rules broken' is enabled, a Rule violation warning will occur when leaving the Calendar if any Individual rules for an Employee have been broken. This preference is set in Web T&A 8 in System preference > Planner > Group rules.

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