Kiosk details

Karishma Updated by Karishma

This page contains the same information as the grid on the Kiosk site planner page, but in list format. However, it also contains three Action buttons that can be used to make changes to the currently selected Kiosk. These are:

·         Modify - the Modify option allows you to change the Kiosk ID, change the Kiosk description and select whether or not you want to apply a licence to the Kiosk (if there is a spare licence to apply)

·         Delete – allows you to delete a Kiosk. A pop-up requesting confirmation will appear, checking that you wish to carry out the action, before the Kiosk is deleted

·         Log – selecting Log will provide you with a log of past interactions with the Kiosk, including clocking, enrolments, and errors

If you want to exit the Kiosk details page, simply select Close from the left-hand panel, which will take you back to the Kiosk site planner main page.

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Kiosk Configuration
