Availability details

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Availability details

Click on a day to select it. You may also select a block of days by clicking on the first day and dragging the cursor to the end day. The selection will be highlighted with a light blue background and further details of what is happening in the date range are displayed in the right-hand Details pane. Below is an example of two dates being highlighted:

  • Availability — a number of actions are available:
    • Add — you can add a new availability or extend an existing availability to a selected date range.
    • Copy — you can copy availabilities from a date range and copy to a different date range.
    • Delete — you can delete availabilities over a selected date range.
    • Quick add — a simplified way to add a new availability or extend an existing availability on the selected day(s).
    • Quick delete — a simplified way to delete an existing availability on the selected day(s).
  • Date range — displays the date range of what has been selected
  • Details — further details of the Availability of the selected day(s) in order of dates
    • Availability — colour coded block with the time period you are available for
    • Delete — deletes your Availability

If nothing has been selected from Availabilities, 'Nothing to display' is shown in the right-hand pane. For example:

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