Employee PIN

Karishma Updated by Karishma

In T&A, your PIN is the four digit code which you use with T&A clocking and access control terminals. If the Employee PIN feature has been enabled for you by a Supervisor, the Employee PIN page is accessed from the drop-down Header pane by clicking T&A in the header. It can also be accessed from the Menu or Shortcuts Widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

Click Employee PIN to open the Employee PIN page:

This page is used to change your PIN, you may wish to do this for security reasons. To change your PIN, first enter your Current PIN then enter a value for your new PIN in both the New PIN and Confirm PIN fields. The value you choose for your new PIN must be a four digit number. Clicking PIN Criteria displays this information in a pop-up window, for example:

Click Close to exit the PIN criteria.

Click Submit in the left-hand pane to save the new value. If your new PIN meets the criteria and the values entered in the New PIN and Confirm PIN fields match, a PIN change success message is displayed and your PIN is changed. For example:

Click  Close  to dismiss the message and return to the Dashboard.

The Change PIN action will fail for the following reasons:

  • The new PIN does not meet the PIN criteria. A message is displayed detailing the problem with your new PIN, for example:

  • Note: the you can see the PIN criteria by clicking View PIN Criteria
  • You enter the wrong value for your Current PIN. An error message is displayed, for example:

The values you enter in the New PIN and Confirm PIN fields do not match. A PIN change mismatch message is displayed, for example:

You leave one of the fields blank. The empty fields are highlighted, for example:

If you do not wish to change your PIN, click Cancel. Your current PIN is unchanged and you are returned to the Dashboard.

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