Search for skills

Karishma Updated by Karishma

You can search for Employees with specific skills within your current Employee selection or within your entire T&A database depending on your Preferences.

Click Search for skills in the left-hand pane to open the Search for skills page. For example:

Use the selection box to select the skill(s) you wish to search for from the drop-down list. You must select at least one skill to perform a skills search. A 'First aid' skill is selected in the previous example.

The rest of the fields are options to refine your search:

  • Search range — this option allows you to change the range of Employees to search:


  • Skill match — this option allows you to define which of your selected skills to search for:
    • All (default) — match all of the selected skills
    • Any — match any of the selected skills (only relevant when you have selected more than one skill from the Selected skills list)
  • Include employees — this option allows you to limit the Employees to search for:
    • All (default) — include all Employees in your Search range
    • Currently on-site — include all Employees in your Search range who are currently on site
    • Available on date... — include all Employees in your Search range who are available to come in to work on a selected date.
      Selecting this or the following option reveals a Date field with a calendar for you to choose a date:
    • Expected on date... — include all Employees in your Search range who are expected to be at work on a selected date, i.e. Employees who are expected to work a Rostered Shift or do not have a Planned absence on that date

When you have made your selections, click  Submit  to perform the search and return to the Group skills page. Only Employees who match your Search criteria are displayed. For example, the cleaning skill and the default options: 'Current group', 'All' and 'All', will search for and display only Employees from the current Employee selection who have the cleaning skill:

You can click on the 'Clear search' action in the left-hand pane to discard the search results and reload the Group skills page displaying all your selected Employees.

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the search and return to the Group skills page.

Note: the search results can not be saved and will be lost when you exit the Group skills page.

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Skills to display
