Calendar details

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Click on a day in a calendar to select it. You may also select a block of days by clicking on the first day and dragging the cursor to the end day. The selection will be highlighted with a light blue background and further details of what is happening in the date range are displayed in the right-hand Details pane. Below is an example of a day being highlighted in the 'Clockings' calendar:

  • Book absence — you are able to book an absence for the day(s) selected as the Absence Data type is included in the calendar. Clicking this will take you to the Book absence page. Note: if your calendar included the Availability Data type, additional actions are available to add, delete and copy an availability after the cut-off day.
  • Date range — displays the date range of what has been selected
  • Details — further details of  the selected day(s) in date order
    • Processed day — a blank details box to indicate that the day has been processed into a Work record
    • Worked — displays the work code, the date and how many hours worked in a colour coded box
    • Clocking — displays the record of time for an event in the working day. The clocking boxes are colour coded to match the clocking type: green for 'In', red for 'out' and blue for a 'TAS' clocking.
      • View — clicking view takes you to the View a clocking page.

Note: different Data types will display different details in the right-hand pane.

If nothing has been selected from a calendar, 'Nothing to display' is shown in the right-hand pane when the .…  is clicked in the top-right corner. For example:

Click Close in the left-hand navigation pane to return to the Dashboard.

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Calendar totals
