
Employee details panels

Karishma Updated by Karishma


The T&A panel is usually the first panel you see when you access your Employee details.

The T&A panel typically includes the following information but yours may be different:

  • Personal details — including your Name, Department code and Work rules
  • Options — with the relevant check-boxes selected
  • Roster — the shift pattern or Roster that you are working and a base week if appropriate
  • Access group — defines which specific group of clocking terminals and doors you can use
  • Contract — details of your Start date and Leave date if known
  • Other details — the screen may also display your Employee profile, Line Manager and Picture if available
  • Memo — a field to view a text based message from a Supervisor

Other panels include:

  • Personal — this panel may include additional information about you. For example, your address, DOB, NI number and next of kin contact details
  • Address — this panel may include details of your current address(es)
  • Contract and entitlements — this panel may include details of your start date, contracted hours of work and pension scheme
  • Job details — this panel may include details of your job title, grade and position in your organisation
  • Organisation details — this panel may include internal contact details, such as work telephone number and email address for you and your Supervisor
  • Pay details — this panel may include your annual, monthly, weekly or hourly pay rate and details of your % FTE

Grid format panels

The information in some of the panels you may have access to is displayed in a grid or table format as in the following example of the Qualifications panel:

The Qualifications panel contains the details of your qualifications recorded in T&A. There are four qualifications recorded for the Employee in the previous example. The details for an individual qualification are displayed by clicking the View button in the appropriate row.

Other grid-format panels you may have access to include:

  • Training needs — this panel may contain records of any relevant training you have undertaken and the details of your future training needs
  • Entitlements — this panel may contain details of your holiday and other allowances for the current year or other period.

Modifying standard panels

If you have permission to edit your Employee details, first navigate to the relevant panel and click Modify in the left-hand navigation pane. For a standard panel, the fields you are allowed to modify are editable. For example:

Once in Modify mode, you will be able to modify your details in the panel.

Changes you make to certain fields will automatically update other fields. For example, if you change the First names field in the T&A panel, the Initials field will update to match. Also, the values in a drop-down list may change depending on other options you have selected in a panel (the T&A Limited pairs feature). Certain fields have in-built validation to prevent you from submitting incorrect details such as invalid dates.

When you have finished editing, click Submit in the left-hand navigation panel to save your changes and exit from Modify mode.

Note: Any changes you make may still require approval from a Supervisor and so will create a Request. If so, a warning is displayed at the top of the panel and the modified fields are highlighted.

In the following example, the Initials field has been modified and this has created a Request:

If you click Submit without making any changes to a panel, a message informing you that no fields have been changed is displayed:

If you make changes to a panel then switch to a different panel without clicking Submit, the changes to the first panel are preserved. If you submit changes to a different panel, the changes to the first panel are also submitted.

If you click Cancel, changes you have made to all panels are reverted.

Modifying grid panels

The information in grid-format panels can also be modified, if you have permission to edit your Employee details. Select the panel and click Modify. In Modify mode, grid-format panels include an Add button and two new actions: Modify and Delete for each row or entry in the grid. For example:

Note: an exception is the Entitlements panel where the only action available in Modify mode is Modify. You cannot add a new entry or delete an existing row from the Entitlements panel.

To modify an entry in a grid-format panel, click Modify in the appropriate row. The entry opens in Modify mode. For example:

Make your changes and click Apply in the left-hand navigation pane to return to the grid. Alternatively, click Cancel to discard your changes and return to the grid. To save your changes and exit from Modify mode, click Submit. If you click Cancel, any changes you have made to the entry are reverted.

As for a standard panel, any changes you make may require approval from a Supervisor and may create a Request. The grid is highlighted to indicate that a Request has been created for changes made to particular fields. In the following example, the Subject field in the first row has been modified and this has created a Request:

Any modified fields are highlighted when you View the entry as in the following example:

Create a new row in grid panel

This feature is only available if you have permission to edit your Employee details. Navigate to the relevant panel. To add a new entry to a grid-format panel, first click Modify in the left-hand navigation pane to switch to Modify mode, then click Add in the panel. A new entry page opens. The following shows the page for adding a new entry to the Qualifications panel:

Use the drop-down lists and date fields to select the relevant details then click  Submit , in the left-hand navigation pane, to add the new qualification to the grid. The entry appears as a new row. To save the grid, click Submit.

Note: Adding a new entry may require approval from a Supervisor and so will create a Request. If so, a warning is displayed at the top of the panel with the modified fields highlighted in the grid. In the following example the sixth row in the grid is a new entry:

Delete a row from a grid panel

This feature is only available if you have permission to edit your Employee details. Navigate to the relevant panel. To delete an entry from a grid, first click Delete in the appropriate row. The entry is removed from the grid. To revert the deletion, click Cancel in the left-hand menu, the entry re-appears in the grid and any other changes you have made to the entry are reverted. To proceed with the deletion, click Submit in the left-hand menu. This may require approval from a Supervisor and may create a Request.

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Employee details

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