

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Requests are generated when you make a change in T&A which needs to be authorised by your Supervisor. The T&A Requests feature allows you to view, modify and delete requests you have generated.

Depending on your system, there are up to five types of Request that can be made. These are:

  • Absence — a request for leave will generate an Absence request.
  • Shift — when you make a change to the Shift you are going to work, a Shift change request is made.
  • Work record — any changes you make to a Work record will generate a Work record request.
  • HR — an HR Request is generated when you edit your Employee details.

If the Requests feature has been enabled for you, you can access it by selecting Requests from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

The Requests page opens displaying by default a list of all pending requests you have made for the current year. For example:

The list shows the following details for Request:

  • Type — what type of Request (see Request type above)
  • Description — a more detailed description or title of the Request
  • Status — there are six possible statuses for a Request:
    • Pending — Requests which are waiting to be accepted/declined by your Supervisor
    • Partial — certain Requests may need more than one Supervisor to authorise it. The Partial status will occur when it is accepted/declined by a Supervisor but not by everyone who needs to authorise it
    • Declined — a Request which has been refused
    • Accepted — a Request which has been confirmed
    • Deleted — you can cancel a Request after it has been submitted and it will then be displayed with the Deleted status.
    • Failed — this indicates a system error
  • Submission date — the date when the Request was made

Requests are colour coded according to their status and can be filtered by Request type and Request status.

You are able to view Requests by clicking on the Type or Description of the Request to find out more information and to make any changes.

To view any Requests you have made in a different year, click on the navigational arrows in the top-right corner of the page:

Click Close in the left-hand navigation pane to return to the Dashboard.

Request filters

When you navigate to the Requests page, you see a list of the Requests you have made in the current year. You can choose which Requests you see using the icon in the top-right of the page to open the Filters pop-up. For example:

You can filter your Requests by their Type and/or Status.

The request type filter

Use the Request Type filter options of 'All', 'Absence', 'HR', 'Shift', 'Shift cover' and 'Work record' available from the Request type drop-down list. By default, 'All' is selected. For example:

Select an option and click   Submit   to filter the Requests list by Type.

The request status filter

Use the Request status filter options of  'All', 'Accepted', 'Deleted', 'Failed', 'Partial', 'Pending' and 'Declined' available from the Request status drop-down list. By default, 'Pending' is selected. For example:

Select an option and click  Submit   to filter the Requests list by Status.

Request colour key

When you access the T&A Requests feature, a colour key icon is displayed at the top-right of the page. For example:

Clicking the icon opens a popup window displaying the colour key for the skill Request Status. For example:

The key shows the colour and status for each request. Below is an example of how Requests are colour coded:

Click Close to dismiss the colour key window.

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Request details
