Adding additional columns to a Report

Karishma Updated by Karishma

To add an additional column, it may be necessary to identify which field to add as a column. This can be done by clicking into a field and pressing the F1 key to display an information box.

This shows the Field name and the table it is located in. The below shows the LOCATION field is in the OD (Organisation Details) table

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 To add to a report, modify a report and click into the definition box of the new column shown at the right-hand side: 

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Start to type the new column definition, starting with the table, in this case OD

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Add a full stop and now all fields in that table will show. Type the rest of the known field name of LOCATION and this will show as selectable: 

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Click the field and this will populate in the definition. Click out of the definition field and the Heading 1 will populate with the same: 

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Alternatively, you can change Heading 1 to something more suitable. Also, you can drag and drop the new column to somewhere earlier in the report:  

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An alternative method to add new columns would be to use the builder. Double click a new column and click the Builder button. 

On a basic level, the expression builder can help you find a field to use as a column definition. On a more advanced level, the builder can be used to create a simple calculation, using operators or functions, allowing more complex information to be displayed in a report column. 

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On the top left of the form you’ll see the fields and functions section, here you will find a drop-down list that allows you to locate a field. This allows you to choose between all the tables of employee details, Worked hours, Absence hours and various other options, such as Standard functions, and tables based on work records. 

When you select a table from this drop-down list, the memo-box below fills with the names of all the fields in the selected table, listed in alphabetical order. In the example above, Worked hours has been selected and all the worked hours categories are shown in the box.

You can select any field which is shown within the memo-box, either by double clicking on it or by highlighting it and then clicking the Add field button. The selected field will now appear in the box at the bottom (in the above example, Overtime @ 2.0 has been selected, so OT20, the field name for Overtime @ 2.0, is shown in the box). Now click OK and you will return to the Modify column form. Notice that Heading 1 has again defaulted to the field name. The Field type has also been automatically selected: 

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If the expected table doesn’t show in the builder, then the fields in question may be part of a multi-line table. Fields like Next of KIN, Qualifications, Training Details and Training needs are in tables where multiple lines of information can be stored against an employee. This means that a table must be selected within the report. Details of how to do that are given in the below article: 

Reporting on Multi-line Tables 

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