Changes to Documents Access rights

Prior to TMS 8 version,  could be given access rights to Documents. If they were not a read-only user, they had the ability to modify, add and delete Documents, and if they were a read-only user they still had the ability to make minor changes to Documents, such as moving their locationIf they did not have this Access right, they would be unable to access Documents at all.

In TMS, a new option has been introduced to the User access rights menu. As a result, there is no change in functionality, however you can now more effectively control who can make changes to Documents. In the User access rights menu, there is a new option to allow Users to Modify documents. In effect, this allows you to disable Modify documents for users you wish to be read-only, while still giving them the option to view them (which is controlled by the Documents Access right). This eliminates the loop-hole where a user with read-only access to an Employee could move Documents et cetera. For example, you may have a User which acts as a line manager for Employees, who can view Documents, but you can also have an HR employee who can freely edit Documents

How do I enable or disable Modify Documents?

In WinTMS, open the System menu and click Maintain users. This will open the Maintain user details window. Click the Profiles button, and then Modify the desired User profile.

In the Maintain user access rights screen, there are two new options, under the Help folders in HR Manager, Access control, Recruitment and TMS. Enable or disable Modify documents, as appropriate, for the User profile – make sure it is enabled or disabled in all locations, as TMS 8 will not disable Modify for users with conflicting Access rights:

The Modify Documents access right under TMS

The Modify documents access right under HR Manager

There are now four states for User profiles:


Modify documents enabled

Modify documents disabled

Documents enabled

This User would be able to view and modify Documents without restrictions

This User would be able to view and read Documents, but they will not be able to Modify them

Documents disabled

This will be an invalid configuration, but in theory a User would be able to Modify documents, but they won’t actually be able to see them

This user will no longer be able to do anything to do with Documents (they will not even be able to see it)

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