Reset passwords

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The T&A password and user name provide access to the system. As with all passwords, it is recommended that they are changed periodically for security purposes. Employee passwords can be Reset on an individual basis (see Employee password for more details), or by Groups as a whole.

To Reset the password of a Group of Employees, navigate to the Reset password page, either by using the drop-down header pane, or by selecting Reset passwords from your Dashboard.

You should now see the following page:   

This page is divided into two sections; the left-hand pane contains the following Action buttons:

  •  Cancel - takes you back to the Dashboard and will not change any of the Employees' passwords

  • Submit - confirms that you would like reset the passwords for this Group of Employees and completes the process

The main page of the Reset passwords feature contains a Grid displaying which Employees are in the currently selected Group. It is possible to change the Group of Employees that you are changing the passwords of, simply by using the left and right arrows in the Header pane:

When you have selected the desired Group, simply select Submit to Reset their passwords. An email will be sent to each Employee, containing the new passwords which they can use to access the system. Once the passwords have been Reset, you will see the following messages on the main page:

If any passwords have failed to Reset, this will be made clear in the Message column of the Grid on the Main page and the row for that Employee will be highlighted red.

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