Spring Time Change - North America

On Sunday March 10th 2019 the clocks will be going FORWARD by 1 hour as part of Daylight Saving Time.

The purpose of this document is to ensure that all of your Mitrefinch Terminals are correctly updated with the adjusted time on Sunday morning.

The time shown on all Mitrefinch Terminals is taken from the machine running the Mitrefinch Poller (the Polling PC) via the Mitrefinch Poller job called ‘Synchronize Clocks’. Therefore you need to ensure that your ‘Polling PC’ time is automatically updated via your operating system and that a ‘Synchronize Clocks’ job is scheduled to run following the time change.

How to Ensure Your Polling PC Time Adjusts Automatically

The following instructions apply to Windows Server 2003, 2008 and 2012.

  1. On the Polling PC open the time control option by right-hand clicking on the time located in bottom right hand corner of the screen and choose the option Adjust Date/Time
    Please note if this option is disabled then you will need to contact your IT department.
  2. Ensure that the current date and time are correct. Then click on the Time Zone tab or if using a later version then click the ‘Change time zone’ button. 
    Ensure that the time zone is set to the correct time zone for your server location. E.g. (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
  3. Then ensure that the option ‘Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes’ is ticked and click on OK

How to Add a Temporary Synchronize Clocks Job to the Poller

In order to ensure that the adjusted time is updated to all the Mitrefinch Terminals, you need to add a temporary ‘Synchronize Clocks’ job to your Poller.

  1. On your Polling PC, open the Mitrefinch Poller program or if the Poller is run as a service then the Poller Controller program.
  2. Click on the menu File > Job Scheduler and when prompted enter your MASTER login details.
  3. A list of jobs should now display. Click on New and enter the information exactly as shown below. 
    The job is ‘Synchronize Clocks’ and should be run as a Temporary job at 3:01 on 03/10/2019 against ‘All’ terminals.  
    Please note that this has been set to 3:01 not 2:01 because some versions of Windows automatically adjust the PC time at 3:00 instead of at 2:00. 
  4. Once the information has been entered click on OK and then check that the job appears on the automatic job scheduler as ‘03:01 T Synchronize Clocks 1 03/10/2019’. 
    Click on CLOSE and minimize the Poller Controller if required. 

Should you require any assistance with the above steps then please contact Mitrefinch Support at 905-629-2914 Ext 3 or email support@mitrefinch.ca.

Kind Regards

Mitrefinch Support

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