
Selecting Employees

Karishma Updated by Karishma

If the preference Use extended selection has been checked in the Selection options, you can define a range of Employees to view for the T&A Group functions by clicking on the extended Group drop-down list in the Supervisor toolbar.

The Employee selection window will be displayed.

There are four Default selection options to choose from the left-hand pane:


This option is for selecting one person from a drop-down list of Employees (as shown above).

When a single Employee is selected, the extended Group drop-down list will be labelled 'Viewing Single':

Note: the Employee selected in the Employee drop-down list is independent from the single Group selection and will still be used for the Employee functions.


This option is for selecting all the Employees you have access to.

When all Employees are selected, the extended Group drop-down list will be labelled 'Viewing All':


This option allows you to select groups of Employees to include from T&A. There are three drop-down lists to use to define your range of EmployeesGroupStart and End. In the following example, the Group options are: 'Employee', Department' and 'Employee title'. The 'Department' field has been selected:

When you select a value from the Group list, the Start and End lists are populated with relevant options. In the following example, 'Department' has been selected from the Group list and the Start and End lists contain a list of 'Departments'. This allows you to select all Employees in a certain department, or in a range of departments:

Note: if you are interested in using agency staff in your project, you can create a department named 'Agency' to include temporary Employees at your disposal.

In the example above, the selection would cover all Employees with the following values against the Department field in T&A: 'Warehouse', 'New Dept', 'Office' and 'Reception'. Employees with 'Maintenance', 'Kitchen' or 'Factory' recorded would be excluded from the selection.

Note: whenever you are selecting a range in this manner, you must ensure that the Start appears in the drop-down list before the End. For example, selecting 'Maintenance' as the Start and 'Warehouse' as the End will produce an invalid range, which will not allow you to proceed.

When a range of Employees are selected, the extended Group drop-down list will be labelled 'Viewing Range':


Use this option to create a custom selection of Employees by applying filters to your list. Using this method, you can create a custom selection using various lookup codes (such as, EmployeeDepartmentJob detail). When the page is first displayed, the lookup code fields will be empty as in the following example:

To make a selection, click on a drop-down lists and select which values you wish to include in the Group list selection. In the following example, 3 Employees have been selected with the options for Department and Job detail selected to filter the Employee selection:

The Match field has two options:

  • Any — with this option selected, Employees who match any of the selected values will be included in the Group list selection. In the previous example, any of the Employees selected in the Employee field will be include in the Group list selection if they are either from the 'Account' department and/or have the Employee title of 'Mr'.
  • All — with this option selected, only Employees who have all the selected values will be included in the Group list selection.

You may clear your selections at any time by clicking the Clear button in the left-hand pane.

When multiple Employees are selected, the extended Group drop-down list will be labelled 'View Extended':

Saving and Using Selections

T&A allows you to re-use previous Employee selections. To use the Employees you selected the last time you used any Default selection page, click Previous selection in the left-hand pane. The page will display the previously selected values.

To save a selection for future use, click Save in the left-hand pane. You will be prompted for a name for your selection. Any saved selections appear in the lower half of the left-hand pane. Click on the saved name to open the relevant selections with the saved values. In the following example, a range of employees based on departments was saved as 'Department range':

The option to Delete the currently selected saved selection is available in the left-hand pane.

When you have made an appropriate Employee selection click  Apply . Only the Employees you have selected will be available to view in the Group functions.

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Selection options
