Clocking TAS

Karishma Updated by Karishma

TAS is the OneAdvanced Time Allocation System for recording details of the jobs or tasks you perform. If the Web clocking and TAS clocking features have been enabled for you, you will be able to make TAS clockings for your selected Employee.

Access to the Clock TAS page is available from the drop-down Header pane (click T&A in the header). You may also be able to access this page from the Menu and Shortcuts Widgets if they are displayed on your Dashboard.

Select Clock TAS from the T&A menu or click the Clock TAS shortcut to open the Clock TAS page.

You may see different clocking options and TAS category fields. For example, you may be able to edit the Date and Time of the clocking.

For example:

This page is used to record job details by making TAS clockings. The TAS clocking page includes one or more TAS category fields to describe the job. There is one TAS category in the previous example: a drop-down list called 'Department', containing a list of codes or values to select from. You must include at least one TAS category value when you make a TAS clocking.

There are three types of TAS categories available: a drop-down list, as in the previous example, a text field and a numeric field.

The page also displays details of your current job in the right-hand panel:

This is from your most recent TAS clocking. The previous example shows that the Employee's current job is associated with the value '3: Factory' from the TAS category 'Department' and 'UK: United Kingdom' from the TAS category 'Location'. This indicates that the Employee's current job is associated with the Factory department in the United Kingdom.

Details of your most recent clockings can be accessed by clicking Recent clockings in the left-hand navigation pane.

You may also be able to record both T&A and TAS clockings from the same page.

If the Web clocking feature has not been enabled for you, a warning is displayed when you navigate to the Clock TAS page:

TAS groups

TAS groups are groupings of TAS categories that can be used when you make a TAS clocking. TAS groups are set up by a system administrator and they make it easier to record complex clockings with multiple TAS categories. This may mean that you will only see the TAS categories that are relevant to the job you are doing or that the TAS category values are already selected for you.

The following is an example of the TAS clocking page when TAS groups have been set up:

TAS groups are displayed in tabs on the Clock TAS page. There are two TAS groups in the previous example: 'Group1' and 'Group2' with 'Group2' selected. 'Group2' includes two TAS categories called 'Department' and 'Location' and the value 'UK United Kingdom' has been selected for the 'Location' TAS category.

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