How to create a new Absence code within WinTMS

Karishma Updated by Karishma

This article is intended to guide you through the process of creating a new Absence code in WinTMS. First, open WinTMS as the Master user (or as a supervisor with full access) and open the System menu. Then, highlight the Hours categories menu and click Absence hours:

A list of existing Absence Codes will show on the screen. Click on the Add button to create a new one:

You will then be asked to supply a new code to represent the absence. For example, in the screen shot above the Bank Holiday absences code is B. Fill out the code and click OK to continue: 

You will then need to fill out the details of the absence.

  1. Description - enter the name of your absence in this field, in this example we are crating an "unexplained absence" Absence code
  2. Payable - tick this if you wish your Absence code to be paid - for example, a holiday code
  3. EWTD full day abs. - if this is ticked, the absence hours count as an EWTD full day absence and the date range is extended by these days when the EWTD report is produced
  4. Counts as work for reconciliation - if this is ticked, the absence hours count as standard hours for the purpose of reconciliation
  5. Use for holiday pay - if this is ticked, this Absence code will be used for holiday pay
  6. Report code - this is the code that will appear on reports for this Absence code
  7. Payment code - this is the code that will appear on payslips for this Absence code
  8. Multiplier - this is by how much the employee's pay will be multiplied by when absent. For example, if the employee was to receive double pay, you would enter '2'
  9. Colour - This is the colour that the Absence code will appear as in calendars and planners
  10. SAP time event - this option is for use with the External Data Feed license, and is used for transferring data into SAP using Icaro

Click OK to continue. You will now see the new Absence code listed with the other codes, and can now be used in a clock card or as a planned absence.

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