
Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Calendars feature is used to display different types of data in a calendar format for a defined period of time.

You can access the Calendars feature from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

Your Calendars for a default period of time will be displayed, with the top calendar being displayed by default. For example:

Calendars available to you will be created by your Supervisor and are available to select in the left-hand pane. In the above example, a calendar has been created called 'Planned Jobs' to include the Data TypesClockingsProcessed daysAbsence and Worked hours.

The default view for the previous calendar was a week. Each weekday is displayed as a column on the screen and the rows are in periods of 60 minutes. Days with a light-yellow background are processed days and those with a white background are non-processed days. Different types of absences are marked by their Absence codes, for example 'L' for lateness. Worked hours are also marked by their Worked hour code, for example 'BH' for basic hours. Both codes are displayed as coloured blocks in the top header row in the relevant days. Finally, Clockings are displayed as coloured blocks in the relevant days, with blue blocks for 'TAS', red blocks for 'Out' and green blocks for 'In', positioned in the row to represent the time of clocking.

Note: your system administrator defines the colour key of the CalendarsAbsence codes and Worked hour codes and so yours may be different from those displayed here.

If you wish to find out further information about the Data types for a single day or over a certain date range, you can click and highlight the days and more details will appear in the right-hand pane.

If different layout options are available for your selected calendar, you are able to change the layout and what is displayed in the calendar using the options in the left-hand pane.

Note: your system administrator defines what calendars will be available to you and the Data types they contain, so your Calendars may be different from those displayed here.

If no calendars have been created by your Supervisor or you do not have access to any calendars, the following message will display:

Click Close in the left-hand navigation pane to return to the Dashboard.

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Calendar details
