Payslip preferences

Karishma Updated by Karishma

To access the System preferences for Payslips, select System preferences from the System menu in the drop-down Header pane. The System preferences page will open, select Payslips from the feature list to open the following page:

The following preferences can be set for Payslips:

  • Notify an employee when their payslip is uploaded — when payslips have been uploaded, a notification can be sent to the affected Employees. The options are: None, Email (default) and SMS

  • Authentication timeout (minutes) — the number of minutes an Employee can remain inactive on the Payslips page before being logged out of Payslips and asked to re-enter their password. The default time set is 1 minute

  • Allow an employee to view their payslip as a web page — enabling this preference allows an Employee to view their payslip as a web page

  • Allow an employee to view their payslip as PDF — enabling this preference gives an Employee an additional option to download their payslip as a PDF

  • Allow an employee to delete their payslip — enabling this preference gives an Employee an additional option to delete their uploaded payslips

  • Encryption key — this value is used as part of the encryption key to encrypt and decrypt payslips in the database. It must be set before any payslips are uploaded. The key must be remembered as it is required to decode previously uploaded payslips. If you change the key after uploading payslips it will not be possible to decode these payslips.

Note: the key is not displayed in the Encryption key field once set

Note: you will be warned when you attempt to access Payslip Management if an Encryption Key has not been recorded

  • Polling interval (minutes) — the frequency at which the Upload folder (see below) will be checked for new payslips and uploaded into the database. A value of 0 means that the Upload folder will not be polled automatically, and new payslips in the folder will not be uploaded

  • Upload folder — input a pathway to a folder on your web server that is periodically checked (based on the preference Polling interval (minutes)) to upload any new payslips that have been added to the folder

  • Maximum upload size (MB) — the maximum permitted size of a payslip ZIP file for uploading. The default size is set to 20MB

Click Submit in the left-hand pane to save any changes made to Payslip preferences.

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Payslip management

Upload payslips
