Payslip management

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Payslip management allows a Supervisor to upload PDF and/or XML payslips, display a list of uploaded payslips for Employees and to delete uploaded payslips.

To open the Payslip management page, select Payslip management from the System menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Supervisor dashboard.

The first time Payslip management is opened, a warning will be displayed advising you to set an encryption key before uploading payslips. For example:

The encryption key can be set in System preferences > Payslips.

Note: if your system has not been configured to use a secure data channel (HTTPS) and Strong password encryption, you will not have access to the Payslip management feature and the following error message will occur when you log in:

If the system has been configured correctly, the Payslip Management page will open displaying a list of payslip uploads from the latest available tax year. For example:

Note: a Supervisor does not have access to view Employee payslips or to download them. Payslips can only be viewed by Employees using the Payslip management feature to view or download their own payslips.

The page contains a list of payslip uploads for the current tax year. Each row displays the Supervisor that uploaded the file, the date of the upload, the description of the upload and the number of payslips uploaded. The Tax year can be changed using the navigational arrows available in the quick actions along with a search function to find a particular payslip upload.

The Upload payslips action is available in the left-hand pane and opens a new page to select and upload payslips.

The contents of a payslip upload file can be viewed by clicking on the Description of the payslip upload to open a new page. For example:

Each row displays the Employee name and their reference, the tax year of their payslip, the period type of their payslip (week or month), what pay period their payslip is from and the format of their payslip (PDF, Online or both).

Delete a payslip

To delete selected payslip(s), first navigate to the Payslip management page and select the check-boxes in the rows of the payslips you want to delete. Once the payslip(s) have been selected, click 'Delete selected' in the left-hand pane. A new confirmation page will open. For example:

Click  Delete  to permanently remove the selected payslip(s) from T&A and return to the updated Payslip management page with a success message at the top of the page:

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the deletion and return to the Payslip management page.

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