Check Anomalies as Employee

Karishma Updated by Karishma

An Anomaly occurs when you make a clocking in a way that T&A regards as irregular or non-standard. For example, an Anomaly would occur if you arrived late (clock in after the start time) or was absent for all or part of a Shift. The Anomalies feature allows you to view your Anomalies not yet checked by your Supervisor over a set period of time.

If you have permission, you can access the Anomalies feature from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

The Anomalies page opens displaying a summary of your Work records that contain unchecked Anomalies for the current week, by default, with each Work record in a separate row. If the Work record contains more than one anomaly, the tags appear side by side. The following shows the Anomalies page for an Employee for the Current Period:

Note: your organisation might not use weekly time intervals for Anomalies. If Pay periods are used instead, your Anomalies page will contain one row for each Work record containing Anomalies in the Pay period.

The Anomalies page is a restricted view of your Clock card, and it only contains the Work records that have Anomalies yet to be checked by your Supervisor. See Clock card for more details.

If you have permission, you can modify your Work record to resolve the anomaly. From the above example, on Mon 27/01, you can drag and drop the 07:30 minutes of Abs hrs into the Basic Hours column and add them to your Basic hours (BH). This will create a draft that resolves the anomaly by moving the lateness to Worked hours, for example:

Clicking  Submit  will send the changes made as a Request. If the Request is accepted by your Supervisor, the anomaly will be resolved and the Work record changes will be saved.

Note: your system administrator defines the Anomalies, what information is included within the Anomalies page and what you have access to. Your Anomalies page may be different from the example used here.

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Clocking T&A
