
Work record

Karishma Updated by Karishma


If you are allowed to edit your Clock card, the Edit work record page is opened by clicking the Edit button of a Work record. This displays a series of collapsible panels for the sections of your Work records that you are allowed to view or modify.

Note: if a Work record has been locked by a Supervisor, you will be unable to modify the Work record and all fields will be read-only.

The following example shows the Edit work record page for an Employee on the 25th of February 2020. The Worked hours panel expanded:

Collapsed panels show the panel header with the panel name and a brief summary such as the total number of hours, clockings etc. Click on a panel header to expand or close it. The panels included in the previous example are:

  • Shift details — displays information about the Shift you worked on the day, with the option to edit certain fields if you are permitted to do so.
  • Worked hours — displays details of the hours you worked on the day recorded with individual Worked hours codes or categories. The panel may also include options to add Worked hours and Modify and Delete existing Worked hours.
  • Absence hours — displays details of any Absence hours on the day recorded with individual Absence codes or categories. The panel may also include options to add Absence hoursModify and Delete existing Absence hours and Move to worked hours.
  • Clockings — displays details of any Clockings you made during the day. The panel may also include options to add a new Clocking and to ViewModify and Delete existing Clockings.
  • Additional payments — displays details of any specialised forms of payment you have received such as expenses. The panel may also include options to ViewModify and Delete existing Additional payments.
  • Hours bands — displays details of all Worked and Absence hours for the day including the start and end times. The panel may also include options to add Hours bands and Modify and Delete existing Hours bands.

Other panels that you may see are:

  • Premium bands — displays details of hours you worked on the day that are recorded with a Premium Worked hours code.
  • Actual lateness — displays details of the correct duration of any absences at the start of the day that have been rounded to a pre-set value.

If there is no information to display for a panel, the expanded panel shows a message stating this. For example:

There are also a series of actions available from the left-hand navigation pane. These are: Submit, Cancel, Revert changes, Change shift, Summary, Miscellaneous, Rostered jobs, Convert absence into worked hours and Consolidate into a single absence code.

Note: Any change you make to your Work record may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a RequestWork records with requested data changes are highlighted with a  Request  tag.

Edit work record

If you are allowed to edit your Clock card, the Edit work record page is opened by clicking the Edit button on a Work record. This opens the Edit work record page.

There are a series of actions available from the left-hand navigation pane, these vary depending on the information in and changes you make to your Work record. For example:

The possible actions include:

  • Submit — submits any changes you make to the Work record.
    Note: Any change you make to the Work record may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a RequestWork records and any fields with requested data changes are highlighted with a  Request  tag.

    Attempting to submit certain changes to a Work record may result in a warning being displayed at the top of the page. For example:

  • When a warning is displayed you can use other actions to cancel or revert your changes. Alternatively, click Submit again to dismiss the warning and continue.
  • Cancel — cancels the Edit action and returns you to the Clock card for the selected week or Pay period. Any changes you have made to the Work record are discarded
  • Revert changes — this action is only displayed when you have made any changes to the Work record. It reverts the changes and returns you to the Edit work record page
  • Change shift — this action can be used to change the Shift for the Work record and is identical to the Change shift action in the Work record actions drop-down list.

  • Summary — this action shows the differences between the original Work record and the Work record with any changes you have applied
  • Requests — this action opens the Requests panel. Details of any changes you have made to the Work record that have generated a Request are included, along with details of any other Requests you have made within T&A which are Pending. There may also be actions to Modify and Delete Requests.
  • Miscellaneous — this action opens a pop-up window displaying a custom panel defined by your system administrator. The following example includes a text field to allow you to add notes to the Work record and if they called in sick, but you may see something different:

  • Rostered jobs — this action opens a pop-up window with details of any Hours bands that are pre-planned in the Shift you worked on the day
  • Convert absence into worked hours — this action is similar to the Move to worked action for an individual absence but converts all periods of absence in the Work record into Worked hours with a selected Worked hours code. The action is only displayed if the Work record contains one or more periods of absence
  • Consolidate into a single absence code — this action combines all periods of absence in the Work record into a single absence with a selected Absence code. It is only displayed if the Work record contains more than one period of absence.
  • Note: The individual absences must have matching TAS category values to be combined

Work record actions

If you have access, the Edit button also has a drop-down list of Work record actions. For example:

The actions are:

  • Insert work record — this action inserts an extra day and Shift into your Clock card.
  • Merge record — selecting this action merges the clockings and hours from the Work record for the next day with the currently selected Work record. The Work record refreshes to show the updated details. This action is only displayed if a Work record exists for the following day
    Note: A warning message occurs before merging, click  Submit  to process the merge or Cancel to abort. A message is displayed at the top of the Clock card if the merge was successful. For example:

  • Delete work record - this action will delete the Work record (this may cause a request to your Supervisor).
  • Apply calculations — selecting this action applies any special calculations that relate to the Shift you worked on the selected day. This might include limiting the amount of overtime you are allowed to work. The Work record refreshes to show the updated details. Calculations may be applied to multiple days by using the tickboxes and Apply calculations option under Selected actions.
  • Recalculate day — selecting this action opens a pop-up for you to confirm that you wish to recalculate the work record:

Click  Submit  to proceed or Cancel to return to the unchanged Work record. This action causes T&A to re-calculate the Worked and Absence hours based on the core hours of the Shift you worked. The Work record refreshes to show the updated details and a message is displayed at the top of the Clock card when the recalculation finishes:

  • Recalculate from clockings — selecting this action opens a pop-up window for you to confirm that you wish to recalculate the work record based on your clockings:

You can click on the clockings to open a pop-up window to Modify a clocking and you can Add a clocking by clicking on 'Add clockings'.

Note: any changes made to clockings will not be saved, they will only be used to recalculate the work record.

Click  Submit  to proceed or Cancel to return to the unchanged Work record. This action causes T&A to re-calculate the Worked and Absence hours based your clockings. The Work record will be labelled as  Draft  for a preview, click the  Submit  button to accept the changes or you can click 'Delete draft' in the action drop-down list to return to your unchanged Work record. The Work record refreshes to show the updated details and a message is displayed at the top of the Clock card when the recalculation finishes.

Note: Any change you make to your Work record, including any resulting from the Apply calculations and Recalculate day actions, may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a RequestWork records with Requests are highlighted with a  Request  tag in the Anomalies column.

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Clock card

Clockings Panel
