Timesheet preferences

Karishma Updated by Karishma

If you have access, when you are on a Timesheet page, a Preference icon is available in the Supervisor toolbar to open the Timesheet Preferences page:

Clicking on the icon opens the Modify Preferences page for Timesheets. Any Preferences set in this page are associated with the current User profile (Supervisor):

There are two Preferences to set for the Timesheet display:

  • Hour codes to display — select which Hour codes to display in the Timesheets

  • Display zero values — selecting this check-box will display any zero values in the Timesheets

Click Submit to save the Preferences and return to the Timesheet page.

Note: Preferences for the entire System or an Employee profile can be set in the System preferences page. In the drop-down T&A menu, go to System > System preferences > Timesheets. Preferences to set the Timesheet mode to T&A and/or TAS are available on this page, along with additional options to Display Save as draft action for Employees and also select what TAS groups to display.

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