
Editing work records to correct Anomalies

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Anomalies can also be corrected by editing the relevant Work record. You can perform all the same functions as found on the Anomalies page in the Work record with additional actions for more complex amendments. Select the relevant Work record under the Day column or click on the Edit Work record button to open the full Work record for the relevant Employee. For example:

The main area of the Work record is divided into several panels which allow you to make amendments to correct any Anomalies, with additional actions available in the left-hand pane. Collapsed panels show the panel header with the panel name and a brief summary such as the total number of hours, clockings etc. Click on a panel header to expand or close it. The panels included in the previous example are:

  • Shift details — displays information about the Shift the Employee worked on the day, what Anomalies have occurred and if the Work record has been authorised and checked. Certain fields can be edited such as the Shifts 'Standard hours' and a 'Reason' for the Anomaly in the Work record

  • Worked hours — displays details of the hours the Employee worked on the day recorded with individual Worked hours codes or categories. The panel also includes options to add Worked hours and Modify and Delete existing Worked hours.

  • Absence hours — displays details of any Absence hours on the day recorded with individual Absence codes or categories. The panel may also include options to add Absence hoursModify and Delete existing Absence hours and Move to worked hours.

  • Clockings — displays details of any Clockings you made during the day. The panel may also include options to add a new Clocking and to View, Modify and Delete existing Clockings.

  • Additional payments — displays details of any specialised forms of payment you have received such as expenses. The panel also includes options to View, Modify and Delete existing Additional payments. See Additional payments panel in the Employee Self Service User manual for more details

  • Hours bands — displays details of all Worked and Absence hours for the day including the start and end times. This panel contains a table with a breakdown of the worked or absence hours as Hours bands. The following amendments can be made:
  • Add hours band — click the button to open the Add hours band pop-up:

  1. Select an Hours type (absence or worked) and Hours code from the drop-down lists and enter the duration in the Start and End fields. Depending on your setup, there may be additional fields to complete. In the example above, there is a Department drop-down list to select a value from. Click  Submit  to create the new Hours band
  2. Modify an Hours band — click on an Hours band to open the Modify hours band pop-up. The pop-up will be populated with the Worked hours or Absence hours details for the selected Hours band. You can edit the Hours band and click  Submit  to save your changes
  3. Delete an Hours band — click on an Hours band to open the Modify hours band pop-up then click the Delete button at the bottom and a confirmation page will open. Click the  Delete  button to Delete the selected Hours band or Cancel to keep it

Note: a deleted Hours band can be recovered if you click Cancel at the top of the Work record. This will return you to the Anomalies page without saving your changes

Other panels that you may see are:

  • Premium bands — displays details of hours you worked on the day that are recorded with a Premium Worked hours code. See Premium bands panel in the Employee Self Service User manual for more details

  • Actual lateness — displays details of the correct duration of any absences at the start of the day that have been rounded to a pre-set value. See Actual lateness in the Employee Self Service User manual for more details

Note: by default, when editing a work record the 'Checked' box is selected within the Shift details panel. Once you have made the necessary changes, click Submit in the left-hand pane to save the changes and return to the updated Anomalies page. The Checked column at the right-hand end of the relevant Anomaly will display a tick and will be highlighted green. Authorised Anomalies will be removed from the list when you close the Anomalies page or click the Refresh button.

Edit work record actions

A number of actions are available from the left-hand pane in the Edit work records page:

  • Submit — submits any changes you make to the Work record

  • Cancel — cancels the Edit action and returns you to the Anomalies page. Any changes you have made to the Work record are discarded

  • Revert changes — this action is only displayed when you have made any changes to the Work record. It reverts the changes and returns you to the Edit work record page

  • Adjust clocking range — opens a pop-up to define the time range for Clockings to be displayed in the Work record

  • Change shift — this action can be used to change the Shift for the Work record

  • Summary — This displays a window which compares the current status of the Work record and the Work record with your changes applied side-by-side. The effects of any Work record Requests that have not yet been dealt with are also displayed

  • Miscellaneous — allows you to record any additional notes alongside the Employees Work record.

  • Rostered jobs — this action opens a pop-up window with details of any Hours bands that are pre-planned in the Shift the Employee worked on the day

  • Convert absence into worked hours — changes all absence Hours bands to worked Hours bands. A Worked hours pop-up opens. Select an Hours code from the drop-down list and click  Submit . The Hours bands will be updated and all absence Hours bands will be replaced with worked Hours bands.
  • Consolidate into a single absence code — click this button to change multiple periods of absence with different codes to a single absence code. An Absence hours pop-up opens. Select an Hours code from the drop-down list and click  Submit . The Absence hours will be updated and all absence Hours bands will be replaced with single one with the selected code

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Authorising in the Anomalies page
