Password Expiry for Employees

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Password expiry was a feature only available for Supervisors in T&A 8. As of version, this functionality has been expanded to include Employees as well. This functionality works in largely the same way, where the Employee will be informed after an expiration period that their password needs to be changed. 

Employees have now been given a new database entry: "tmstms.usepasswordexpiry". This field can either be set to a yes or no. In order to show and edit this in Employee details, this new field needs to be added to one of the Employees' Panels. To do this, open the DBDEF.exe application.

Note: A panel is a tab that appears on the Employee details in both Win T&A and the Web application.

Once the Maintain database window has opened, open the System menu in the toolbar and click Maintain panels:

This will open the Maintain panels window. Locate a Panel that is available – in this example, I'll be editing the "WEBEMP1" panel, which is a Panel that shows in the Employee details in T&A 8. You should choose a similar Panel – one that can be accessed easily by Supervisors. Select the desired Panel, and click Modify:

This will open the Modify panel window. On here, you can add components to a Panel. For this example, we want to add an editable "tmstms.usepasswordexpiry" field which will let Employees' Supervisors decide if this Employee has Password expiry turned on or not.

On the right-hand side of the Modify panel window, click the Add button to add a new component to this panel. Choose the Edit component using the radio buttons, and then click OK.

In the Get field window that opens, use the drop-down menus to choose the "TMSTMS" Table and the "tmstms.usepasswordexpiry" Field. Click OK, and these will be added to the Panel. Drag and drop the new Component to an appropriate place on the Panel, and click OK.

Once this Component has been added to a Panel, it will now appear in the Employee details of both Win T&A and the Web application on the appropriate tab. Supervisors can now edit Employees, and change this field to Yes or No as appropriate.

Once an Employee is marked as 'Yes', Password expiry will then function for this Employee as specified by the System preferences. Employees will also need to have the Self-Service Forgotten password feature enabled.

Note: The settings for Password expiry can be changed from the Login page of the System preferences, where you can change things like the expiry period.

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Self service password reset

Employee passwords
