
Employee license maintenance

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Assigning and revoking Licenses to an individual Employee

To assign or revoke licences for an individual Employee, first navigate to the Employee licensing page and click on the Employee's name to be taken to a new page called Change employee type. It can also be accessed by selecting Change employee type from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

The Change employee type page will open:

This page contains all the licences you have access to and that have been selected to be displayed. For your chosen Employee, you can assign and revoke licences by clicking on the check boxes next to the licence.

Click Cancel to return to the Employee licensing page or click  Submit  to assign or revoke the licence(s) from your selected Employee and return to the updated Employee licensing page. A message will appear at the top of the page if successful:

Assign a License to multiple Employees

To assign licences to multiple Employees, first navigate to the Employee licensing page then click Assign licence in the left-hand pane. The Assign licence page opens. For example:

You can select multiple licences to assign, click on a space in the selection box to open a drop-down list to select a licence or click X to remove a licence from the selection.

Click Cancel to return to the Employee licensing page or click  Submit  to assign the licence(s) to all your Employees currently selected in Employee licensing and return to the updated Employee licensing page.  A message will appear at the top of the page if successful:

Revoke a License from multiple Employees

To revoke licences from multiple Employees, first navigate to the Employee licensing page then click Revoke licence in the left-hand pane. The Revoke licence page opens. For example:

You can select multiple licences to revoke, click on a space in the selection box to open a drop-down list to select a licence or click X to remove a licence from the selection.

Click Cancel to return to the Employee licensing page or click  Submit  to revoke the licence(s) from all of your Employees currently selected in Employee licensing and return to the updated Employee licensing page.  A message will appear at the top of the page if successful:

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Employee licensing
