
Employee maintenance

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Change employee reference

The Employee reference is assigned to an individual employee and it is a unique identifier that is used to refer to the employee on the T&A system. It is a key piece of information used by T&A so only under rare circumstances should you change the employee reference. The Change employee reference page and the ability to change an employees reference is only available to Supervisors with Change reference enabled in their T&A user profile.

To change the currently selected Employees reference, select Change employee reference from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. The Change employee reference page opens. For example:

Enter a new reference into the field, it must be a unique value that is not currently being used by another Employee. Selecting 'Update terminals' means when the reference has been accepted and submitted, the new Employee reference will be downloaded to the terminals or access control units immediately.

Note: a preference can be set by your system administrator that will limit what can be inputted as a reference. For example, it may only allow 6 characters to be entered.

Click  Submit  to be taken to a new page with a final message to highlight what will be changed and what will remain the same. For example:

Note: a preference can be set by your system administrator that will update the badge number assigned to the Employee and set it as their new reference number.

Click  Submit  to change the Employee reference and return to the Supervisor Dashboard.

Cancelling the Change employee reference action leaves the Employee's reference unchanged and returns you to the Supervisor Dashboard.

Change employee start date

If you have permission, an Employees start date can be updated. The ability to change an employees start date is only available to Supervisors with Change start date enabled in their T&A user profile. The start date is a key piece of information used by T&A so only under rare circumstances should you change the employee start date.

To change the currently selected Employees start date, select Change employee start date from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. The Change employee start date page opens. For example:

The message that appears at the top of the page is a warning not to use this page to restart an Employee. If an Employee has returned to the job then you should use the Restart employee page. Input a new start date for the Employee. Selecting 'Update terminals' means when the start date has been accepted and submitted, the new Employee start date will be downloaded to the terminals or access control units immediately.

Click  Submit  to update the Employees start date and return to the Supervisor Dashboard with a success message appearing at the top of the page. For example:

Cancelling the Change employee start date action leaves the Employees start date unchanged and returns you to the Supervisor Dashboard.

Note: any changes made to the Employees start date may be recorded if a preference is set to keep the history of field changes

Change badge

Badges can be assigned to individual Employees for access control purposes and identification. To change or add a new badge to the currently selected Employee, select Change badge from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. The Change badge page opens. For example:

Enter a new badge number into the field. Entering an existing badge number will revoke it from an Employee if they are currently using it and will assign it to the currently selected Employee. Entering a new unique badge number will add the new badge to T&A and assign it to the selected Employee.

Click  Submit  to be taken to a new page with a confirmation message warning you the selected Employee will be unable to use their old badge. For example:

Click  Submit  to assign the new badge number to the selected Employee and return to the Supervisor Dashboard.

Alternatively, click Cancel to return to the Change badge page to amend the new badge number or to abort any changes.

Download employee

Any changes made to an Employees details can be downloaded to a terminal or access control unit to keep them up-to-date. This can be done by selecting the 'Update terminal' option when changing Employee details or it can be done by navigating to the Download employee page. The Download employee page is only available to Supervisors with Download current employee enabled in their T&A user profile.

Note: terminals or access control units will be updated with any changes made to an employees details whenever your scheduled process occurs.

To download the currently selected Employee to a terminal or access control unit, select Download employee from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. The Download employee page opens. For example:

Click  Submit  to download the Employee to the terminals and return to the Supervisor Dashboard with a success message appearing at the top of the page. For example:

Clicking Cancel will abort the Employee download and return to the Supervisor Dashboard with no download taking place.

Delete employee

The Delete employee page enables you to delete an Employee from the system. All records of the Employee will be deleted along with their Badge history and they will be removed from the Supervisor employee list. The Delete employee page is only available to Supervisors with Employee > Delete enabled in their T&A user profile.

To delete the currently selected Employee, select Delete employee from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. The Delete employee page opens. For example:

Selecting 'Update terminals' means when the employee is deleted, the Employees details will be removed from the terminals or access control units immediately.

Click  Delete  to open a new confirmation page warning that the Employee will be deleted from T&A. For example:

Click  Delete  to permanently delete the Employee from T&A and return to the Supervisor Dashboard with a success message appearing at the top of the page. For example:

Clicking Cancel will abort the Employee deletion and return to the Supervisor Dashboard with no changes made.

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Badge history
