
Culture maintenance

Karishma Updated by Karishma


The T&A Language maintenance feature allows a Supervisor, with Language maintenance enabled in their T&A user profile, to manage and maintain the language of the Phrases or terms displayed as text in the T&A user-interface. Select Language maintenance from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. A page similar to the following is displayed:

The main section of the page allows you to view a list of all phrases used in the T&A user-interface for each Supported language. Additional options available are:

  • Modify the values for individual phrases.
  • Search for phrases.
  • Display a list of any undefined phrases (where the value for a language is missing).

There are also menu actions available in the left-hand pane:

  • Export and import phrases — phrases displayed in the T&A user-interface can be exported or imported into T&A.
  • Supported languages — select the Languages (Cultures) which are supported in T&A page maintenance — modify the information displayed on different error pages in T&A.
  • Refresh —  reloads the page to update any changes you have made

View phrases

To view a list of all the phrases used in the T&A user-interface, along with their translation for each Supported language, navigate to the Language maintenance page by selecting Language maintenance from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. For example:

The list includes the following columns:

  • Name — the key for the T&A phrase. For example 'Anomaly'. This cannot be changed
  • Default value — the default value for the phrase as used in T&A. This cannot be changed
  • Selected languages — multiple columns showing the value for the phrase in each Selected language, including the current Active language. For example, 'Anomaly', when the language is English (United Kingdom), 'Anomalie', when the language is 'French (France)', or 'Anomalia', when the language is 'Italian (Italy)'.

The terms are displayed in alphabetical order.

The list is paged and you can use the page buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate the list. For example:

Search terms

To search for a phrase used in the T&A user-interface, navigate to the Language maintenance page by selecting Language maintenance from the menu in the drop-down Header pane, then enter text in the search box and click the  Search  button. The system searches for a match in the names and phrases of all Selected languages. The results are displayed as a list of terms that contain the search text. The following example shows part of the results of a search for the word 'picture':

The search is case-independent.

If there are no phrases which contain the search term, 'No phrases match the search' is displayed:

You can also display a list of undefined phrases, where the value for a language is missing.

Displaying empty terms

To find instances of missing values for phrases in all Selected languages, navigate to the Language maintenance page and select the Show undefined phrases only check-box. The system searches for missing values and displays a list of relevant phrases. The following example shows part of the results of a search for phrases, with missing values in one or more of the Selected languages, which contain the word 'picture':

A missing or blank value is displayed as <undefined>.

Modify a term

Phrases which are displayed in the T&A user-interface can be modified by Supervisors with Language maintenance enabled in their T&A user profile. Navigate to the main Language maintenance page by selecting Language maintenance from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. Locate the phrase you wish to modify and click the value in one of the Supported language columns.

To locate a specific phrase, either use the page navigation buttons or the search box. If you know that a value is missing for the phrase, use the search box with the Show undefined phrases only check-box selected.

The Modify phrase pop-up opens. For example:

The previous example shows the Modify phrase pop-up for the term 'Add employee picture' and the values for the currently Supported languages: English (United Kingdom), French (Canada) and Italian (Italy).

To update a value, type into the relevant box then click  Submit  to save your changes. You will need to navigate to a page which uses the changed Selected language value to see the results of your changes.

If you cancel a change to a value, the original value remains unchanged and you are returned to the Language maintenance page.

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Language maintenance
