Create calendar

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Create calendar page allows a Supervisor to enter the details of a new calendar along with selecting what data types will be used and the layout of the calendar.

To open the Create calendar page, select Create calendar from the left-hand pane on the Calendar maintenance page. A page similar to the following is displayed:

Enter the title for the new calendar in the Calendar title field, and click the Data type field to select what data type(s) to display in the calendar from a drop-down list.

The Total field defines what totals to display in the grid or timeline calendar layout. Depending on what data type(s) have been selected, the totals for standard work hours, planned work days, planned absence days, standard absence hours and planned attendance (%) can be selected from the drop-down list to display on the calendar.

The Employee layout field defines what layouts will be available for the calendar when using the Calendar feature for an Employee. The Group layout field defines what layouts are available for the calendar when using the Group calendar feature. The layouts available are Agenda, Day, Week, Month, Year, Grid and Timeline depending on what data type(s) have been selected.

Noteleaving the layout fields blank means the new calendar will not be available in the Calendar or Group calendar feature. For example, leaving the Group layout field blank will mean the calendar will not be available in the Group calendar feature.

The User profile field opens a drop-down list to select what Employee or Supervisor User profile(s) have access to the new calendar.

Click Submit in the left-hand pane to save the calendar and return to the updated Calendar maintenance page with the newly created calendar appearing in the list.

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Calendar profiles
