Kiosk Configuration

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Selecting the Configure action button, from the left-hand panel of the Kiosk site planner feature, will open the following page:

The configuration page is divided into two sections and contains the Setup action button in the left-hand panel and a grid on the main page which allows you to configure the settings for each action and then view how it has been set up.

Selecting any of the entries in an Action's row will take you to the Modify action page. Selecting Setup from the left-hand panel will take you to the Setup page.


Selecting the Setup button will open the following pop-up:

The following Setup options that you are able to  select will be applied to all of the Kiosks that are in use on your site(s):

  • Has biometric reader - tick this box if your Kiosks are set up to work with biometric readers

  • Has proximity reader - tick this box if your Kiosks are set up to work with proximity readers

  • On-screen keyboard - use the drop-down menu to determine whether or not on-screen keyboards will be available on your Kiosks
  • Badge format - this determines the format rules for your Employees' badge numbers on their proximity cards
  • Fixed badge length - limits the allowed length of proximity badge numbers
  • COM port name - if a COM port has been specified, the system will attempt to use it for the proximity device, if one hasn't been specified, it will try to find the proximity device automatically
  • Link Kiosk ID to TAS category - whichever option you select here will determine which Action Employees will be clocking with whenever they make a clocking to a Kiosk that has an ID set up. For example, if you select 'Department' then when an Employee makes a clocking to this Kiosk, they will automatically clock to the department that's code has been selected for this Kiosk

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Kiosk details

Modify action
