
Find cover

Karishma Updated by Karishma


Find cover allows supervisors to assign employees to cover shifts in the event of an absence. It is available from the Group planner, or from a Calendar with the Shift data type selected. It uses Employee pools and the Availability calendar to generate a list of employees that can cover the shift.

To use Find coverextended select must be switched off. To check this, select Selection options from the dashboard.

Untick Use extended selection and select Submit.

Using Find cover

Find cover allows supervisors to assign employees to cover shifts in the event of an absence. It is available from the Group planner, or from a Calendar with the Shift data type selected.

Find cover appears when a day or shift is selected, under the Shift options. If shifts are assigned to the employee for the selected day, Find cover also appears in the individual shift's Shift tile. Both options go to the same screen, but the individual shift Find cover option automatically fills out the shift time. Select either Find cover option to continue.

The Find cover window appears. Select the Shift that needs to be covered, and the Pool to select the covering employee from.

To be eligible for shift cover, an employee must satisfy the following requirements:

  • The employee must be marked as available for the duration of the shift
  • The employee must have a Rostering Lite licence assigned to them, or the T&A install must have a Legacy licence
  • The employee must have no existing shifts that conflict with the shift to cover
  • The employee must not be on a planned absence on the selected day
  • The employee must not be marked as a leaver

Additionally, the shift must be on an unprocessed day.

A list of eligible employees from the selected pool appears. Select one or more employees from the list and select Submit.

The Group planner appears, with the cover shift and jobs assigned to the selected employee(s).

If a covering employee is outside of the supervisor's group, the employee appears with all other days greyed out. The additional data fields underneath the employee name will appear in a different colour. The options to modify or delete the shift will be unavailable.

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Find Cover for Absence requests
