
Upload payslips

Karishma Updated by Karishma

A Supervisor can upload new PDF and/or XML payslips on this page.

The payslips must be combined into a ZIP file and the names of the individual PDF and XML files should conform to the following format:

For example: 02000001 MONTH 01 2016.pdf or 02000001 MONTH 01 2016.xml

XML payslips for multiple Employees can also be uploaded in a single XML file. In this case, the file name should be in the following format:

For example: Payslips MONTH 11 2013.xml

To upload a correctly named payslip ZIP file, click Upload payslips from the left-hand pane on the Payslip management page to open the Upload payslip page. For example:

Enter a Description for the upload or the name of the ZIP file will be used instead. Browse to the location of the ZIP file and select it. Click  Submit  to be taken to the Payslip upload confirmation page where the ZIP file is pre-processed and displays the results on the page. For example:

Pre-processing checks the file name format and attempts to match the Payroll reference with Employees in TMS. The table lists details of the payslips found in the file. The details include the Ref (Employee reference), Employee name, Tax year, Period Type, Period Number, and whether it is a PDF or Online version.

Use the check-boxes to select which payslips you want to upload. Once selected, click Upload selected in the left-hand pane to save the upload into the database.

Alternatively, click Close in the left-hand pane to abort the upload and return to the Payslip management page.

The payslip data is encrypted in the database and after a short delay, you will be taken to the Payslip management page with a Success message appearing at the top of the page.

Note: any files containing errors will not be processed. See Warning messages below for more details.

A notification (Email or SMS) may be sent to the relevant Employees when a new payslip is uploaded. This is defined in Payslip preferences.

Warning messages

The Payslip upload confirmation page will also contain a warning message if there were any errors found during the pre-processing check. For example:

The following warning messages may occur when uploading payslips with any errors:



Duplicate payslip

Identical payslip details already exist in the database

Employee not found

An employee with the pay reference (Payroll number) could not be found in TMS

No rights to modify employee

An employee set to read-only cannot have payslips uploaded

Employee opted out

The employee has opted out of payslip upload

Invalid payslip file extension

A file was found in the ZIP file with the wrong extension

Invalid payslip file name

A file was found in the ZIP file with an incorrectly formatted file name

No payslips found in zip file

No payslips where found in the ZIP file

Employee not licensed to use payslips

An employee does not have a licence for payslips

Zip file error

Some other error for example the file is not a ZIP file

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Payslip preferences
