T&A 8 Controlled Release Report

We are pleased to announce the latest controlled release of Advanced Time and Attendance 8: Version!

Below is a list of all features and bug fixes for this controlled release since the last Controlled release (version More information can be found by contacting our Customer Support team.

For instructions on how to upgrade your installation of Time and Attendance 8, please take a look at our Upgrade guide by clicking here.


Jira ID (TA) / Zoho ID (Z) / Salesforce Case (S)


Change Notes 

Small Enhancement

TA-633 / Z:148911

Users cannot create diary entries for 'Non-employed' (employees marked with a CE.STAUS1 of 'N') employees. When run the 'Create automatic diary entries' job on the Processor these employees are skipped.

Diary entries can apply to employees, vacancies or be general reminders (not related to a specific employee).

The change allows the automatic creation of diary entries for actual employees, non-employees and future starters. If customers want to retain their current behaviour, they can add ce.status1<>'N' to their selection for the diary definition.

Small Enhancement

TA-8269 / S:23270771

Kiosk mode : New jobs don't appear automatically on the kiosk without synchronisation

Sync button now shows in kiosk mode when logged in as employee, and syncs as if it were the supervisor doing the synchronisation

Small Enhancement

TA-8334 & TA-8347

Potential vulnerability in input validation for Language maintenance import & modify phrases feature

Ensure XSS vulnerability is not introduced by importing or modifying phrases

Defect Resolution


HTTP 500 Internal Server Error if large number specified for dashboard columns

Column value for tabs in dashboard maintenance can no longer be modified through browser dev tools. 400 error also added if number of columns is not in lookup.

Defect Resolution

TA-7880 / Z:40671

User with Self access which is not set as 'Can edit' cannot access their own diary.

Behaviour changed:

Now allows user to access their diary without requiring edit access to their linked employee.

If a user only has access to diary for one supervisor, then don’t prompt for the diary to view.

If a user has access to more than one diary, then if the employee they currently have selected is flagged as a manager that they have access to the diary of, show the diary for that manager, otherwise prompt for the diary to show.

Defect Resolution


Logged into mobile as an employee online functions returns 500 error


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T&A 8 Controlled Release Report

T&A 8 Controlled Release Report
