Delete a Finger Template

Delete a Finger Template

1.       Open the WINTMS SHARE folder which is located on the server          

*if you do not know how to access this location follow these steps:

                   Log into WINTMS

                   Select the Help Menu

                   Select the About Menu

                   Select the Setup Information link

                   To the right of " Program Directory " click on the path e.g.   C: MF ... \ TMS ...

2.       Now you will be in the TMS folder

3.       Scroll down the list until you see Finger.exe

4.       Double click to open the app

5.       Enter Username/password

6.       The screen displays all the Employees in the TMS system ( based on options selected in the Filters panel )

7.       Find the name of the employees template you want to change

8.       Select the employees name and click the Edit button

9.       Select the Template

10.   Click the Delete button

Click the OK button to save all your changes.

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