
Tab maintenance

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Creating a new tab

To create a new tab, navigate to the Dashboard maintenance page and select New tab in the left-hand navigation pane. The New tab page opens. For example:

The fields available are:

  • Title — the name of your tab. This is a mandatory field
  • Number of columns — a drop-down list to select how many columns will appear in your tab to display Widgets
  • User profile — type or select the T&A user profiles that will display this tab on their dashboard

Enter and select the relevant information for your tab and click  Submit . The Dashboard tabs maintenance page is re-displayed with the new tab included. In the following example, a tab with three columns has been added called 'Tab A':

The tab displays three empty columns that have been numbered. This means that no Widgets have been added to the tab. You can add Widgets using the drop-down tab menu or by dragging and dropping a Widget from the right-hand pane.

Tab menu options

A number of options are available for a tab. On the Dashboard maintenance page, clicking on a tab title will open up a drop-down menu:

The drop-down menu contains three options:

  • Add widget — to add a Widget to a tab.
  • Modify tab — to change the title, number of columns and the T&A user profiles of a tab.
  • Delete tab — to delete a tab from T&A.

Modify a tab

To modify a tab, first navigate to the Dashboard maintenance page and locate the relevant tab. Click on Modify tab from the tab drop-down menu. The Modify tab page opens. For example:

The details for the tab are displayed with all fields in edit mode. When you have finished editing the fields, click  Save  to save your changes and return to the updated Dashboard maintenance page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort modifying a tab and return to the Dashboard maintenance page.

Adding a Widget to a tab

To add a Widget to a tab, first navigate to the Dashboard maintenance page and locate the relevant tab. Click on Add widget from the tab drop-down menu. The Select a widget page opens displaying a list of all available widgets. For example:

The list includes two types of widgets:

  • HTML widgets — a customisable widget which is used to provide access to an external web site or information. In the above example, Local weather, Lorem Ipsum and T&A are HTML widgets that have been created.
  • Summary widgets — default T&A widgets that display dynamic T&A information. They range from Anomalies to Shortcuts in the above example

Click on the name of a Widget to select it and open the Add widget page. For example:

From this page you can change how the Widget is displayed on the tab. You can change the name (Title field), the height of the Widget and the colour of the title bar (Style field). Certain T&A widgets will have additional fields specific to the widget. For example, the Recent clockings widget has a Clocking status and Clocking types field:

Note: the Shortcut widget has an additional field to select the icon size (small, medium or large) of the shortcuts. The default size is small.

Make any changes then click Submit to add the Widget to the tab. The tab is refreshed to display the Widget. For example:

If you do not wish to add the selected Widget to the tab, click Cancel to return to the Select a widget page.

Additionally, Widgets can be added from the right-hand pane on the Dashboard maintenance page. A list of available widgets appear under Add widget and can be dragged and dropped into the tab.

You can also drag and drop widgets into different columns and positions by clicking and holding on to the Widget title bar and dragging it across to a new position. For example:

Note: widgets can be removed from the tab by dragging and dropping them into the Remove widget bin icon in the right-hand pane.

Delete a tab

To Delete a tab, first navigate to the Dashboard maintenance page and locate the relevant tab. Click on Delete tab from the tab drop-down menu. A Delete tab pop-up opens. For example:

Click  Delete   to permanently delete the tab from all Dashboards and return to the updated Dashboard maintenance page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the deletion and return to the Dashboard maintenance page.

Note: a list of User profiles will be listed in the warning message if they have been used for the tab. For example.

Modify tab layout

You can update the layout of tabs by adding and removing Widgets. You can also change the size and position of the Widgets in the tab. To do this open the drop-down menu in the Widgets title bar. For example:

There are three options available:

  • Modify widget — to change the title, the height and the Style of a widget.
  • Remove widget — to remove a Widget from the tab.
  • Public URL — a pop-up containing a unique URL for the widget.

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Profile maintenance

Dashboard maintenance
