Apply assumed clocks

This function will insert clockings according to the Start of workday and End of workday times when the employee is processed overnight.

First set up Wintms to allow Assumed clockings and determine how they should be applied:Go to System -> Maintain system preferences -> Clockings and check Normal day if none on shift -> OK

Next, determine which employees it should be applied to.On an individual basis it can be toggled by checking the Apply assumed clocks box on the Employee details page.

Or if you want to do this for everyone, from the main window of Wintms go to:Mass change -> New mass change -> Edit records and set up like this:

Click OK  -> Select All -> OK

Leave the Advanced window blank and click OK

You should see a list of all active employees in your database with a 'Y' for everyone in the New value column -> Click Run -> Yes to confirm.

Click No to exit back to the main window of Wintms.

Employees will now have their clockings inserted according to their shift start/finish times when processed.

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