How to add a new TMS or HR Lookup Field

This article is designed to show the user how to create a new look up on the TMS system and add the new Lookup to an existing panel.

Note: Before performing these instructions please ensure a recent backup of the TMS database has been taken by your IT department prior, as this will involve modifying existing tables.

First of all you will need to open your WinTMS folder and load the DBDEF.exe application as the MASTER user

How to add a new Lookup:

Click on the menu System > Maintain Lookups

Then click on the ADD button at the side of the list of tables to add a new table and when prompted enter a new name i.e. COUNTRY:

Then enter the required details (example shown below) and click OK

You should now see your new Lookup in the list.

Then click on the menu System > Maintain Tables.  

Select the table which you want the new lookup to be associated with and click on the ‘Modify’ button.  This example is using TMSEMP:

You will need to add a new entry for ‘Country’ at the foot of the table as shown below, when you are done you will need to click the ADV button for the advanced options.

Then select COUNTRY as the lookup which you created earlier.  If you wish to maintain the history of the field then change this from ‘N’ to ‘Y’.  You can also set a default value (used by the lookup code) for the field within the Default section.

When you click OK to exit out of all of the options screens you will be asked to rebuild the tables, click YES to rebuild.

How to add a Lookup to a Panel:

Now you have created the field and the look up, all we need to do now is to add it to a panel.  To do this click on the menu System > Maintain Panels then select the panel (i.e. TMSEMP or JOBORG) and click on the modify button:

Once you have entered the screen below, click the Add button to add the new field:

You will need to select Edit as the type and click on OK. 

Then select the Table and Field name as shown below:

The field properties should be the following: 

When you click OK your new field will be added to the top of the panel as a white square with a black border.  Select the field and drag it into a more convenient place on the panel and click on OK:

Then close the Maintain Panel section and exit out of the DBDEF application.

How to add codes to the new lookup:

Load TMS as the MASTER user. Click on SYSTEM > Maintain Codes.  Then select the field you added and click on the Modify button.

You can now enter the items you want in the list by click on the ‘Modify’ button, then entering the relevant code information and clicking on the ‘Apply’ button.

You can now go to the panel where the field was added (i.e Additional TMS or TMS panel within the Employee Details).  You should see the new field and be able to select the codes you just entered in the maintain codes section:

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How to add a new TMS or HR Text Field
