Preparing to install Kiosk

Karishma Updated by Karishma

In order to download and install a Kiosk, navigate to the Prepare install section of the Kiosk site planner feature, by selecting it from the left-hand panel of the Kiosk site planner page. This will take you to the following page:

The Prepare install page is divided into two sections. The left-hand panel contains the following Action buttons:

  • Build Kiosk installer - generates a link which can be used to download and install the Kiosk application and also the installer

  • Build Enroller installer - the Enroller installer will only generate a link that can be used to install the Enroller, not the Kiosk application

You will only need to build these installers if you do not already have the download links on your system. When the installers have been built, your screen should match the screenshot above, containing the following fields and links:

  • System version - displays which version of TMS8 you are currently using
  • Built Kiosk version - displays which version of the Kiosk can be downloaded and installed from this page

  • Built Enroller version - displays which version of the Enroller can be downloaded and installed from this page

  • Executable file - this field contains the installer download link for the Kiosk

  • Compressed archive - the link in this field is related to the custom upgrade processes and should not be used without first contacting a T&A Employee

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