Modify Kiosk preferences

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Modify preferences page allows you to determine the preferences for your Kiosk system. The page is divided into two sections, with the preferences on the main page and action buttons on the left-hand panel:

The main page contains the following options:

  • Start at PC start-up - if this option is ticked, the Kiosk application will automatically start every time the PC is turned on

  • Display as tray icon - if this option is ticked, the following icon for the Kiosk application will appear in your tray:

  • Play sound on clock - if this option is ticked, a small sound will be heard when an Employee clocks in or out of the system

  • Show notification on clock - if this option is ticked, a notification will appear every time an Employee clocks in or out of the system. The notification will be green for successful clockings and red for unsuccessful ones

  • Time format - it is possible to change how the time is displayed to Employees, allowing them the option to add the date

  • Fullscreen mode - if fullscreen mode is selected, the Kiosk will occupy the whole window of your system when it opens, stopping Employees from accessing any of the computer's other features

  • Days to keep log - in this section you can determine the number of days that you would like the system to keep a log for - 1 day is equal to 24 hours, so setting it to 1 day would show any clockings made in the previous 24 hours, not just the clockings or that day

  • Enable daily restart - if this option is selected, the Kiosk application will restart each day, at the time specified in the next setting

  • Daily restart time - this setting determines the time of day that the automatic daily restart will occur

If you wish to cancel any changes that you have made, select Cancel from the left-hand pane. Alternatively, you can confirm and save the changes that you have made by selecting the Submit action button from the left-hand pane. You will see the following message to inform you that your modifications have been successful:

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