Employee and Group functions as a Supervisor

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The various icons and menus on the Dashboard provide access to all the tools or functions in T&A that you are allowed to use. There are broadly two types of functions:

  • Employee functions — T&A functions which relate to a single Employee
  • Group functions — T&A functions for working with a user-specified group of Employees.

Employee functions

Employee functions are T&A tools which you can use to access the information for individual Employees. The main ones include Employee detailsClock, CardRecent clockingAbsence profile,  TimesheetsEntitlements and so on. They are available either from the Employee menu in the drop-down Header pane or directly via the icons on the Dashboard.

The following shows all the functions available in the Employee menu in the drop-down Header pane:      

The function you select will relate only to the currently selected Employee.

For example, selecting Employee details from the Employee menu in the drop-down Header pane or from the Supervisor Dashboard will display the details for the currently selected  Employee. In the following example, Employee 000009 is selected:

When you are using an Employee function you can select a different Employee from the Employee drop-down list or by using the arrows to the right of the selected Employee's name in the Supervisor toolbar.

The information displayed in the window will be updated to match that of the newly selected Employee.

Group functions

Group functions are T&A tools for working with a user-specified group of Employees. There are separate functions for accessing the information relating to individual Employees.

These include AnomaliesBadge listCalendarsGroup absence profileGroup approvalsGroup clock cardGroup messagesOn-site list, Requests list and Skills.

The function you select will relate to the group of Employees currently selected in the Group drop-down list in the Supervisor toolbar.

To use a Group function, first, select your chosen group of Employees from the Group drop-down list. Then select the function e.g. Request list by clicking on the icon on the Supervisor Dashboard or from the Group menu in the drop-down Header pane:

The selected Group function will display the appropriate details for all the Employees in your selected Group.

To display the details for a different group of Employees, simply select the group from the Group drop-down list or use the navigational arrows next to the list and the details displayed will be changed accordingly.

Note: If the Preference: Use extended selection has been checked in the Selection options, the Group drop-down list will be replaced with an extended Group drop-down list that opens the Employee selection page. Within this page, you will be able to customise the range of Employees to use for the Group selection.

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