Timesheet errors

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Under certain circumstances it will not be possible for you to modify your Hour bands and an error message will be displayed. These are often caused by restrictions which are defined by your system administrator or they may fail for a variety of reasons such as forgetting to complete mandatory fields. The following are examples of errors and warning messages you may see.

Warning - processed to fit working pattern

When saving or submitting your modified Hour bands, you may be sent to a new page with a warning message. The message warns you that TMS has modified the Hours bands information you have inputted to fit the set working pattern of the day. For example:

Clicking  Continue  will confirm and submit the new modifications to the hour bands and bring you back to the updated Timesheet hours bands page. Clicking Cancel returns you to the Modify hours bands page for you to change the details of the Hour bands, if required.

You may get a message that also warns you that you do not have permission to view the Hour codes that have been automatically assigned, so they will not be displayed on the page. For example:

Clicking  Continue  will confirm and submit the new modifications to the hour bands and bring you back to the updated Timesheet hours bands page. Clicking Cancel returns you to the Modify hours bands page for you to change the details of the Hour bands, if required.

Outside shift range

If you attempt to add or modify an Hours band outside the range of your shift, you will see the following error message:

You can either revise the Hours bands or click cancel to return to the previous page.

Missing hours bands

A preference can be set by your system administrator to not allow gaps of time without an Hours band, so if you attempt to add or modify your Hours bands and leave a gap, you will see the following error message at the top of the page:

You can either add a new Hours band, revise the current Hours bands or click cancel to return to the previous page.

Same start and end times

If you attempt to add or modify an Hours band with the same Start and End time, you will see the following error message:

You can either revise the Hours bands or click cancel to return to the previous page.

Hours bands overlap

If you attempt to add or modify an Hours band that overlaps another, you will see the following error message:

You can either revise the Hours bands or click cancel to return to the previous page.

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Timesheet hours

Timesheet hours bands
