
Employee messages

Karishma Updated by Karishma


The Employee Messages feature in T&A allows you to view and respond to messages sent to you by your Supervisor from within T&A. You will only be able to view your messages in T&A if the feature has been enabled for you by a Supervisor.

You can access the Employee Messages feature from the drop-down Header pane by clicking T&A in the header. You may also be able to access your messages from the Menu and Shortcuts Widgets if they are displayed on your Dashboard.

Selecting Employee Messages from the T&A menu or clicking the Employee Messages icon opens the Employee messages page displaying a list of any T&A messages you have received in the current month. For example:

The details for each message include: the date and time the message was Sent to you, its Status (Unanswered, Open or Closed), any message Tags, the message Subject and the body of the Message. If you have responded to a message, the Response column is populated.

Messages are colour-coded according to the following criteria:

  •  Green  — a message you have responded to and has the 'Closed' Status.
  •  Red  — a message that you have not responded to but has the 'Closed' Status because it has expired
  •  Yellow  — a message you have not responded to and has the 'Open' Status
    Note: a message can be sent to multiple recipients and will have the 'Open' Status until all recipients respond
  • White — a message that does not require a response and has the 'Closed' Status

You can view the details of an individual message by clicking on the Subject or Message section. The message opens in an Employee message page.

Message filters

When you navigate to the Employee messages page, you see a list of all the T&A messages you have received in the current month. You can choose which types of messages you want to see by clicking the Filter icon in the top-right of the page and opening the Filters pop-up. For example:

You can filter your messages by their Status and/or attached message Tags.

The status filter

Use the Status filter options of 'Unanswered', 'Open', 'Closed' and 'All' available from the Status drop-down list. For example:

  • Unanswered — select this option to display only messages you have not responded to
  • Open — select this option to display any Unanswered messages plus messages which have been sent to multiple recipients but have not been responded to by all recipients
  • Closed — select this option to display all messages which are complete, either because you and any other recipients have responded, because the expiry time has passed or because there were no responses specified
  • All — select this option to display all messages for the currently selected month. This is the default option

Select an option and click  Submit  to filter the messages list.

The tags filter

Use the Tags filter options to show only messages with certain message tags attached. By default, no Tags filter option is selected. Message tags are defined by your system administrator or Supervisor. There are two tags, 'High Priority' and 'Urgent', available from the Tags drop-down list in the following example:

Select an option and click   Submit   to display only messages with the selected tag. A predefined code for a message tag is displayed in the Tags column in the messages list.

Messages for a different month

You can view your messages for different months by using the navigation arrows at the top-right of the page. For example:

If you have not received any messages in the selected month a 'Nothing to display' message is shown. For example:

Responding by email

The Messaging feature in T&A can be configured so that any messages sent to you by your Supervisor from within T&A are also sent automatically to your email account or as SMS text messages. This also means you can reply to these messages via email or SMS.

Example of an email message sent to an Employee from T&A:

Details of how to respond are included in the body of the message. In this example you can either, click on the relevant link (Yes or No) in the message or reply in the conventional way using the text stated in the message in the body of your reply, e.g. "REPLY 7 Yes" or "REPLY 7 No". Your reply is sent to the sender, e.g. your Supervisor.

Responding to messages

When you navigate to the Employee messages page, you see a list of all the T&A messages you have received in the current month. You can respond to any message in the list with the 'Open' Status. Messages with the 'Open' Status have a yellow background.

To respond to a message, click on the Subject or Message section of the relevant message in the list. An Employee message page opens displaying the message details. For example:

The Response field contains a drop-down list of predefined responses to select, for example 'Yes' and 'No'. Select your response and click   Submit   to send the response and return to the Employee messages page.

The Status field for the message changes to 'Closed', the background colour changes to green and the Response column is populated with your selected response. For example:

The Status and Response fields are also updated in the Employee message page and cannot be changed; the   Submit   button is no longer displayed. You can only respond to a message once. The date and time you responded is also displayed in the new Responded on field. For example:

Note: you can view the details of any message in the Employee messages page by clicking on the Subject or Message section but you can only respond to a message with the 'Open' Status.

Note: <undefined> is displayed when a field is empty.

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