Review Anomalies as Supervisor

Karishma Updated by Karishma

An Anomaly occurs when an Employee makes a clocking in a way that T&A regards as irregular or non-standard. For example, an Anomaly would occur if an Employee arrived late (clocks in after the start time) or was absent for some or part of a Shift.

Checking and correcting Anomalies is very important since this information is used to generate reports such as absence statistics and payroll information. The Anomalies page maintains a list of all Anomalies over a period of time for a selected Group of Employees, and allows you to check and correct these.

By default, the Anomalies page opens displaying the Anomalies for the current week for the Employees in the Group you selected from the drop-down list at the top of the Supervisor Dashboard.

However, if the PreferenceUse extended selection has been set in the Selection options (see Selection options for more details) you will be able to use a customized range of Employees in the Group function by clicking on the extended Group drop-down list. See Selecting employees for more details.

To display the Anomalies for a Group, select Anomalies from the Group menu in the drop-down Header pane. A page similar to the following will open:

Note: a System preference can be used to set the amount of days to display on the Anomalies page. Also, your system may be set up by the Advanced implementers to use Pay periods instead, which are set periods of time defined by your organisation. See Clock card date range in the Employee Self Service User manual for more details about Pay periods.

Details of any outstanding Anomalies in the Work records of each Employee in the selected group are displayed in the Anomalies page. The page is similar to the Group clock card page with each row having an Edit button that allows you to Edit a work record for the particular Employee with an additional drop-down list of Work record actions.

The number of Anomalies on the list will appear in parenthesis next to the title 'Anomalies' in the left-hand pane with a number of actions available underneath to manage multiple Anomalies within the list.

Anomalies can be authorized by selecting the check-box in the Select column for the specific rows and clicking on the action Mark as resolved in the left-hand pane. Once authorised, the Anomaly will be resolved and highlighted green. Authorised Anomalies will be removed from the list when you close the Anomalies page or click the Refresh button or click the action Remove resolved in the left-hand pane. Anomalies can also be corrected by dragging and dropping Hours codes, modifying the Hours codes or within the Edit Work record page which allows more complex amendments to be made.

If the Supervisor has access, you can modify the Preferences for the Anomalies feature by clicking on the Preference icon in the Supervisor toolbar or by selecting System preferences from the System menu in the drop-down Header pane.

Anomalies actions

A number of actions are available in the left-hand pane on the Anomalies page to remove, resolve and apply calculations to multiple Anomalies. For example:

The actions are as followed:

  • Remove resolved  — will remove all the Anomalies on the list that have been resolved i.e. they are highlighted green with the Checked check-box selected in their Work record
  • Mark as resolved — all Anomalies with selected check-boxes under the Select column will be resolved, checked and highlighted green. If successful, a message will appear at the top of the page highlighting how many work records have been resolved.
  • Apply calculations — applies any special calculations that have been set up in the Work rules for the Employees Shift to selected Anomalies. This might include limiting the amount of overtime you are allowed to work. Once applied, the Work records will refresh to show the updated details.
Selecting multiple anomalies

The left-hand Select column in the Anomalies list allows you to select multiple Work records to process simultaneously. For example:

Click the check-box in the relevant rows to select the appropriate Work records; two Work records have been selected in the previous example.

Anomalies drag and drop

The Anomalies page allows a Supervisor to move the values in hour codes into different hour codes on the same row. For example, a Supervisor can click and hold an Employees early leaving (E) absence hours code. A shadow tag will appear:

Dragging the value means the shadow tag will follow the cursor. Release the mouse button when the cursor is aligned over the centre of the new column. The value is removed from the original column and added to the new column. In the example below, the early leaving (E) hours code value is moved into the basic hours (BH) hours code column:

If you drag a value to a column which already contains a value they will be added together.

Moving an hours code into a column with more than one hours code (Additional hours, Additional absence or Abs hrs) will open a pop-up with a drop-down list to select the new hours code to use:

Click  Submit  to use the selected hours code.

The new hours code value will be added to the same hours code if it already exists or it will add the new hours code to the appropriate column.

Authorising in the anomalies page

Certain Anomalies can be corrected and/or authorized directly from the Anomalies page. Clicking on certain information in the Anomaly row for a particular Employee will open up a pop-up to make any amendments to the Work record enabling you to correct the Anomaly.

Note: Once you have made the necessary changes, you will need to authorise your amendments by selecting the check-box in the Checked column at the right-hand end of the relevant Anomaly. You also need to do this to authorise an Anomaly when you do not make any changes. Authorised Anomalies will be removed from the list when you close the Anomalies page or click the Refresh button.

Change shift

You can correct certain Anomalies by changing the Employee's Shift to match their clockings. To change the Shift for the relevant Employee on that day, click on their Shift information under the Shift column. A pop-up will open drop-down list of the Shifts which you have access to. For example:

Select a new Shift from the list and click  Submit . The system will then reprocess the record using the new Shift and any changes will be displayed in the record. This may introduce other Anomalies which will also need to be dealt with.

Modify worked hours and absence

You can alter an incorrect number of hours (worked or absence) by clicking on the information under the Hours code columns for the selected Work record. A Modify Worked hours or Modify absence hours pop-up will open. Below is an example of the Modify worked hours pop-up:

This allows you to change the details recorded for the Worked and Absence hours. You can change the Hours code recorded for an Anomaly. For example, you might wish to change an unauthorised absence to a holiday or sickness code. Once you have made the changes, click  Submit  to save your changes and close the Modify worked hours pop-up and return to the Anomalies page. The system will then reprocess the record using the new Hours and any changes will be displayed in the record. This may introduce other Anomalies which will also need to be dealt with.

An option to delete the Worked or Absence hours is available at the bottom of the pop-up. Once clicked, you will be taken to a confirmation pop-up to confirm you wish to delete the Hours.

Note: the Modify absence hours pop-up has an additional option at the bottom to move the Absence hours into Worked hours. Click Move to worked to change a single absence Hours band to a worked Hours band. A Worked hours pop-up opens. Select a suitable Hours code from the drop-down list and click  Submit . The Worked hours and Hours band will be updated and the selected absence Hours band will be replaced with a new worked Hours band. If the Hours code you select is the same as one for an existing worked Hours band, they will be combined.

Add worked and absence hours

The Hours code columns give you the option to add Worked or Absence hours to records with zero or no Hours code. This allows you to correct an Anomaly by adding Worked or Absence hours to the record. Clicking on the relevant record under the Hours code column will open up the Add Worked or Absence hours pop-up. Below is an example of the Add absence hours pop-up:

Choose the desired type of Worked hours or Absence from the Hours code drop-down list and define the amount of hours and minutes the Hour code covers, then click  Submit . The Anomaly will be updated with the Worked hours or Absence displayed. If the day has been processed, you may see a warning indicating that your action will overwrite all existing Work record absences in the selected period.

Add clockings

The Clockings column gives you the option to Add new Clockings to the relevant Employees Work record.

When hovering over the Clockings column on the relevant Work record, a blue cross will appear. Clicking on it will open the Add clockings pop-up. For example:

Enter the information for the new Clocking and click  Submit  to add it to the Work record.

Modify clockings

To modify an existing clocking, click on the Clocking from the relevant Employee. A Modify clocking pop-up opens. For example:

This allows you to change the details recorded for the clocking such as:

  • Clocking type — T&A or TAS
  • Clocking data — the date, time and location of the clocking

Click  Submit  to save your changes and close the Modify clocking pop-up and return to the Anomalies page. The system will then reprocess the record using the new Clockings and any changes will be displayed in the record. This may introduce other Anomalies which will also need to be dealt with.

An option to delete the Clocking is available at the bottom of the pop-up. Once clicked, you will be taken to a confirmation pop-up to confirm you wish to delete the Clocking.


Once you have made the necessary changes the row will be highlighted green if the Anomaly was resolved, if not you will need to authorise your amendments by selecting the check-box for the relevant Anomaly and selecting Mark as resolved from the left-hand pane. You also need to do this to authorise an Anomaly when you do not make any changes. Authorised Anomalies will be removed from the list when you close the Anomalies page or click the Refresh button or by clicking Remove resolved in the left-hand pane.

Note: additional columns can be displayed on both the Anomalies and Clock card pages. See Clock card columns in Employee Self Service User manual for more details.

Additional actions are available in the left-hand pane and from the drop-down Work record action list to correct and/or authorise Anomalies from the main Anomalies page.

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Authorising in the Anomalies page
